Migracijos terminai: lietuviški angl. 'hotspot' ir 'hotspot approach' atitikmenys Europos Sąjungos institucijų dokumentuose

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Migracijos terminai: lietuviški angl. 'hotspot' ir 'hotspot approach' atitikmenys Europos Sąjungos institucijų dokumentuose
Alternative Title:
Migration terms: Lithuanian equivalents for the terms hotspot and hotspot approach in documents of EU institutions
In the Journal:
Terminologija. 2016, 23, p. 105-119
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Migracijos terminai; Aprašomasis vertimas; Įvykių centrai; Karštieji taškai; Migrantų antplūdis; Registracijos centras; Migration terms; Terminology.

ENIn this article Lithuanian equivalents of the English term hotspot have been analyzed. Hotspot is a metaphor in EU documents commonly used as IT term or term designating an important territory or a territory to be protected. In the context of the European migration crisis the term hotspot has acquired new meanings and is commonly used to designate an area which is under pressure from migratory flows and also a registration center of migrants established in such area and the principles of control of such areas. In translated EU documents the terms hotspot and hotspot approach have 18 Lithuanian equivalents which can be divided into four main groups. In early documents more abstract equivalents common to all concepts are used (įvykių centras, įvykių centro požiūris). Later longer (three-word, four-word and longer) crisis-oriented equivalents are used (krizinis migracijos taškas, krizinis migracijos centras, krizinio migracijos centro požiūris ir kt.). In most recent documents descriptive equivalents are used (migrantų antplūdžio vieta, migrantų antplūdžio centras, migrantų antplūdžio valdymo požiūris). Such development is determined not only because of applying different translation methods but also by political reasons. The evolution of Lithuanian equivalents shows that in Lithuanian translation work the clearness principle is preferential: polysemous terms are avoided, long, clear and informative terms are taken into account. On other hand, usage of Lithuanian equivalents is determined by the principle of convenience. In the case of complex concepts very long terms are avoided. Analysis of migration terms shows that harmonisation of principles of cleariness and convenience in Lithuanian practical translation terminology work is a relevant object for modern terminology research. [From the publication]

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