Kai kurie terminų sinonimijos aspektai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kai kurie terminų sinonimijos aspektai
Alternative Title:
Some aspects of synonymy of terms
In the Journal:
Terminologija. 2015, 22, p. 39-60
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Sinoniminiai terminai; Terminų sinonimija; Leksiniai sinonimai; Gramatiniai sinonimai; Aspektiniai sinonimai; Motyvacinis požymis; Sinoniminių terminų atpažinimas; Hiperonimai; Hiponimai; Synonymy in terminology; Contextual synonyms; Terminology; Aspectual synonyms.

ENThe article deals with a significant terminology problem – synonymy of terms. It discusses some aspects of synonymy of terms, which have gained little or no attention in Lithuanian terminology. Statements are based on and illustrated with terms of humanities (linguistics, literary science, musicology, art, architecture, aesthetics etc.). In the first section conception of synonyms and the limits of synonymy in terminology are briefly surveyed. The second section deals with the types of synonymous terms by three criteria: structure of terms, level of language, root of terms. The traditional approach of the Lithuanian linguistics on synonymy is followed and some specific types of synonymous terms are identified. 60 Asta Mitkevičienė | Kai kurie terminų sinonimijos aspektai The third section discusses problems of identification of synonymous terms in texts, mainly caused by contextual synonymy. The following conclusions are drawn: 1) The conception of synonymy in terminology differs. Synonymy sometimes is viewed very broadly, it includes not only different terms of one language naming the same concept, but also the term and its definition, the term and its equivalents in other language etc. 2) Synonymy in terminology is not the phenomenon of only one level of language. Division of synonyms into lexical (in linguistics: asmenvardis and antroponimas “personal name”) and grammatical synonyms (in versification: ritminis vienetas and ritmo vienetas “rhythmic unit”), which is traditional to Lithuanian linguistics, does not cover all types of synonymy of terms.3) An important and convenient opposition in terminology is co-rooted vs. not corooted synonyms. Specific types of synonymous terms – aspectual synonyms as well as a term and its reduced or expanded form. 4) Identification of the type of synonymous terms is a significant stage of investigation into synonymy. For example, it seems not relevant to compare grammatical synonyms according to their origin, as well as other co-rooted or aspectual synonyms. 5) There are various contextual synonyms in scientific texts: terms with broader meaning are used instead of terms with narrower meaning, periphrases in place of terms, terms and their reduced or expanded forms etc. Peculiarities of the usage of terms in texts should be regarded when synonymous terms are extracted by both traditional and automatized tools. 6) When terms are investigated applying linguistic methods, it is important to define what is considered a synonym and what is thought of as a kind of rival term. Systemic and contextual synonyms should be delimitated, but for that purpose, it is essential to know very well the term system of domain investigated. [From the publication]

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