Mokslo ir pramonės sąsajos šiandieninėje Europos Sąjungoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokslo ir pramonės sąsajos šiandieninėje Europos Sąjungoje
Alternative Title:
Link between industry and science in European Union
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame amžiuje neįmanoma ekonominė plėtra be kryptingos mokslo plėtros. Investicijos į mokslinius tyrimus ir technologijų plėtrą lemia šalies ekonominio lygio vystymąsi ateilyje.Svarbią vietą šiame procese užima pramonė, kuri yra svarbus mokslo produktų komercializacijos katalizatorius. Kad ir kokie dideli atrodytų įmonių investavimo rodikliai į mokslo laboratorijas, tyrimus Europoje vis dėl to jaučiamas atsilikimas nuo JAV ir Japonijos, o tai mažina ES konkurencingumą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Europos mokslinių tyrimų erdvė; Inovacija; Moksliniai tyrimai; Moksliniai tyrimai ir eksperimentinė plėtra; Mokslinis ir technologinis produktyvumas; Mokslinių tyrimų efektyvumas; Inovation; Science research and development of experiment; Scientific and technological efficiency; Scientific research; Scientific research efficiency; Spread of European science research.

ENThe major changes in the organization und understanding of the sciences since 1970s concern both general and far reaching shifts in the political-economic environment and more specific developments in the structure of formal knowledge production systems and state policies dealing with them. The former include: the end of the Cold War, the decline of political economies based on the combination of mass production with mass marketing and the welfare state, an the growth of research intensive industries, The main features of the latter are the expansion and differentiation of formal knowledge production organizations, such as universities, public and private research institutes, corporate laboratories and the development of more directive and systematic state sciences and technologies policies aimed at improving economic welfare trough innovation. State and society, while encouraging scientific research and forming the structure besides the general striving to Progress, seeks for more concrete and narrow goals. This depends on the development and progress of culture of science in that society, established through many years. The most general aims of science are: scientific (knowledge), technological (technical progress) and public (cultural, social and etc.) By the middle of the decade, a critical mass of European governments had been persuaded to believe that the continent's competitive crisis required a general relation of the Community and e radical programme of deregulation and liberalisation. The EU's enhanced policy roles a promoter of innovation was, in important respects boosted by the 1992 project.A crucial element of the Project was a political commitment to reduce state aids to industry, an important slice of which subsided R&D, Partly because they promised to compensate for new restriction on national policy actions, the Framework programme EUREKA became viewed as important policy tools in a more general effort to kick-start Europe's high tech "wastries out of the doldrums of the national champion days. The relation of European integration via the 1992 project provoked new theoretical debates about why an under what circumstances states opted for cooperation instead of national solutions. Different economic and political theor 'es offer alternative explanation both for the transformation of the European Community and the emergence of European technology policy. The relationships between firms and researches, formal and informal, can be Characterised as a set networks. The chain-link model of innovation, for example, suggests that networks for given technologies or industrial sectors revive around three main axes or "poles"- a scientific pole, which generates knowledge, trains personnel and produces papers; a technological pole, which generates new products, pilot projects, patents, standards, and so on; and a market pole; which encompasses users, distributors and suppliers. [From the publication]

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