Minskas ir Vilnius mitopoetinėje erdvėje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Minskas ir Vilnius mitopoetinėje erdvėje
Alternative Title:
Minsk and Vilnius in mythopoetic space
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Dvasiniai vaizdiniai; Erdvės mitopoezija; Legenda; Miesto vaizdinys; Miesto įvaizdis; Minskas; Mitopoetinė erdvė; Simbolinis įvaizdis; Vilnius; Legend; Minsk; Mythopoeia of space; Mythopoetic space; Symbolic image; Urban image; Vilnius.

ENThe mental conceptions of urban space are discussed in this article by the example of two capitals - Vilnius and Minsk. Author's attention is predominantly concentrated on the texts which describe the stories about the founding of the towns. Thereupon an in-depth analysis of the historical (Gediminas, Lizdeika) and legendary (Menesk) figures, directly connected with forming of cultural space, is conducted. Some other historic-cultural parallels are adduced to support the idea that myths and legends revealing the foundation of large European cities share similar structural elements. As a result of the analysis of both annalistic and oral legends it is attempted to create an "urban image" which is not only filled with architectural and historic-cultural landmarks but also possesses spiritual memory (mythology of space). Thus, a town can be viewed as a text which consists of chapters, names and letters with individual semantics and charge, as well as a particular organism which evolves independently and hence creates unique signs and symbols emphasizing its self sufficiency and significance. [From the publication]

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2020-04-02 16:23:31
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