Specifikacinė jungties konstrukcija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Specifikacinė jungties konstrukcija
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Jungties konstrukcija; Jungties konstrukcijos; Kognityvine gramatika; Kognityvinė gramatika; Specifikacinė konstrukcija; Specifikacinės konstrukcijos; Cognitive Grammar; Copular construction; Lithunian; Specificational construction.

ENThis article is the first study of specificational copular constructions in Lithuanian. It gives an overview of the problems connected with this construction: semantics of the copula, reference and disposition of both nominale in the construction, pattern of information structure, alignment of grammatical functions, etc. The framework is that of Cognitive Grammar. Discussions in Generative Grammar and Formal Semantics (starting from Higgins 1973) have focused on the question whether it is a n inversion of the predicative construction motivated by discourse logic or a variety of the equative construction. The latter view is naturally close to that of Cognitive Grammar, where all copular constructions are viewed as assertions of the identity of the referents of noun phrases (not necessarily instantiated in reality). From a Minimalist point of view, specificational constructions pose problems because of the connectivity effects arising in complex pseudo cleft sentences, as these violate putative principles of binding. But they are also a challenge for Cognitive Grammar, as the oscillations in subject assignment observed across languages, and even within one language, seem to violate the Content Requirement (Langacker 1987).In Cognitive Grammar the subject is defined through the notions of landmark and trajector in the conceptualization of the verbal relation profiled in the sentence. The specificational construction is characterized by an asymmetry between nominale in the functions of role-type definiteness and specification. The nominals naturally forming a chain of reference points for the conceptualization of the profiled specificational relationship are the best candidates for the role of trajector and its landmark. But the subject correlates with the trajector as thus defined only in the case of the unmarked word order in the English type specificational construction. In other cases the role of subject in the conceptualization of the specificational relation is indirect and secondary, the role of the morphosyntactic subject being limited to establishing a link with the agnate predicative construction. [From the publication]

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[Copular constructions in Lithuanian] : recenzija / Vaiva Žeimantienė. Baltistica. 2018, t. 53, Nr. 2, p. 331-349.
2018-02-20 04:50:03
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