Kultūrinių teksto reikšmių interpretacija ir vertimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kultūrinių teksto reikšmių interpretacija ir vertimas
Publication Data:
Kaunas : Technologija, 2014.
202 p
Įvadas — Teorinės vertimo paradigmos pokyčiai ir kultūrinės reikšmės interpretacija — Originalo ir vertimo opozicija, ekvivalentiškumo sąvokos turinio kaita — Vertimo vieneto ir vertimo objekto sąvokų raida — Originalo ir vertimo opozicijos neutralizavimas, vertimo strategijų taikymas — Kultūrinių reikšmių samprata ir interpretacija — Lietuvių meninių tekstų kultūrinių reikšmių interpretacija ir vertimas į prancūzų kalbą — Intertekstinių reikšmių interpretacija ir vertimas: Intertekstinių reikšmių samprata ir teorinės vertimo galimybės; Lietuvių meninių tekstų intertekstinių reikšmių interpretacija ir vertimas — Kultūriškai įprasmintų frazeologizmų vartojimas ir vertimas: Frazeologizmų samprata ir vaidmuo; Teorinis žvilgsnis į frazeologizmų vertimą; Lietuvių frazeologizmų vartojimas ir vertimas į prancūzų kalbą — Lietuvių kultūrinių realijų vertimas į prancūzų kalbą: Kultūrinių realijų apžvalga ir teorinės vertimo galimybės; Tiriamųjų tekstų kultūrinių realijų vartojimas ir vertimas — Lietuvių meninių tekstų deminutyvų vartojimas ir vertimas į prancūzų kalbą: Deminutyvų kalbinė, kultūrinė reikšmė ir jų vertimo galimybės; Kiekybinė tiriamosios medžiagos deminutyvų analizė; Kalbinė ir kultūrinė deminutyvų analizė, jų vertimas į prancūzų kalbą — Išvados — Summary — Resume — Literatūros sąrašas — Šaltiniai — Abėcėlinė terminų rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Vertimas; Prancūzų kalba; Meninis vertimas; Deminutyvai; Frazeologizmai; Ekvivalencija; Translation; French; Translation of fiction; Diminutives; Phraseology; Equivalence.

ENThe monograph analyses cultural meanings in contemporary Lithuanian literary texts, their importance in an individual literary style, interpretation, and strategies of translation into the French language. The present research covers five types of cultural meanings: intertextual units, culture-specific idioms, culture-specific items, and diminutives. They are considered to be differential stylistic features of literary texts that transmit cultural connotations. The present monograph is the first in Lithuania to present an extensive analysis of cultural meanings in the works of Lithuanian writers and poets, which have been translated into the French language during the past twenty four years. The main focus of the book is on cultural transposition in translation. The aim of the present research is to analyse the contextual realization and the frequency of usage of cultural meanings (intertextual units, idioms, culture-specific items, and diminutives) in Lithuanian literary texts, to determine translation strategies applied by francophone translators for the translation of cultural meaning into the French language, and to define contemporary tendencies in cultural transposition as expressed in French translations. The research material comprises literary works by different Lithuanian authors (R. Serelytė, R. Granauskas, J. Savickis, G. Radvilavičiūtė, V. Juknaitė, S. Parulskis, R. Gavelis, J. Kunčinas, S. Šaltenis, J. Grušas, A. Landsbergis, J. Vaičiūnaitė, J. Mekas, M. Zingeris, J. Ivanauskaitė, I. Meras, S. T. Kondrotas, K. Saja, S. Nėris, A. Marčėnas, B. Vilimaitė, J. Aputis, M. Katiliškis, etc.) with the total number of pages in the Lithuanian language exceeding 1000, and the same number of pages translated into the French language; all the translations were published during the first 24 years of the independent Lithuania, i.e. from 1990 until the end of 2014.Thus the total amount of textual material analysed in the book comprises more than 2000 pages. All the analysed literary texts have been translated by native francophone speakers and published in France. [...] Lithuanian literary texts, which have been translated into the French language not from the original Lithuanian but from Ruassian translations, [...] were considered methodologically impropriate for the present research and, therefore, have not been analysed. For the analysis of the representative amount of bilingual data, the following scientific research methods were applied: 1) the method of quantitative analysis was applied for the analysis of the qualitative distribution of text units with cultural connotations, the frequency of separate intervention groups, and the quantitative and relative distribution of translation strategies; 2) a systematic analysis of scientific literature allowed to determine and to generalize the directions in the development of contemporary translation paradigm, the content dynamics of the main concepts of translation theory, as well as quantitative and qualitative changes in the paradigm of translation studies, which reflect the conceptual attitudes of the contemporary translation theory and determine the translation of the cultural meanings of the text; 3) the method of comparative translation and cultural analysis was applied for the analysis of the application and expediency of translation strategies, for the discussion of general and partial adaptation of the cultural meanings of the text, and for the analysis of the problems of intercultural communication; 4) the method of contrastive linguistic analysis was applied for the analysis of the usage of cultural meanings in certain extralinguistic situations and for the discussion of problems concerning translation language quality. [...].The monograph is composed of the introduction, a theoretical part, an empirical part, conclusions, a bibliography, summaries in French and English and an alphabetical index of terms used in the work. The introduction presents the context of researches of the last decade devoted to the translations from foreign languages into the Lithuanian language and from the Lithuanian language into foreign languages, discusses the novelty and relevance of the research presented in this monograph, the research object, the aim, the research material, methodological considerations regarding contemporary researches in translation studies, discusses the research methodology, and the structure of the work. The theoretical part of the work discusses the changes in the paradigm of translation studies, the content dynamics of the main concepts of translation theory, changes in the attitudes towards the relationship between the original and the translation, questions regarding translation strategies, provides an overview of the reasons why the traditional paradigm of translation studies has become a digital paradigm, and the conceptual differences between contemporary translation theories that determine the attitude towards the cultural meanings of the text, their interpretation and the application of translation strategies. [...] The empirical part of the monograph is composed of four chapters which discuss different types of cultural meanings in texts: culture-specific in- tertextual units, idioms, culture-specific items, and diminutives. At the beginning of the research, larger components of cultural texts - intertex- tual units - are analysed. [...] The qualitative analysis of all the examples analysed in the present research permits to claim that all the transmitted Lithuanian cultural meanings constitute 58 % and not transmitted - 42 % of all cultural meanings. [From the publication]

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