Informacija versus iliustracija: vaizdo naudojimo normos ir praktika šiandieninėje Lietuvos istorinėje kultūroje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Informacija versus iliustracija: vaizdo naudojimo normos ir praktika šiandieninėje Lietuvos istorinėje kultūroje
Alternative Title:
Information versus illustration: the norms and practice of image application in the present-day Lithuanian historical culture
In the Journal:
Lietuvos istorijos metraštis [Yearbook of Lithuanian History]. 2014, 2013/1, p. 121-142
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe object of the article is the syntheses of Lithuanian historiography, history textbooks intended for general education as well as history related documentaries and television programmes. Their common features include history related topics, documentary manner and application of images. The interrelation of the three above mentioned elements predetermines the fact that identical requirements are applied to the use of images in the said forms of historic culture. In the last decades it has been strongly suggested that the function of illustrations in normative, recommendatory, critical and other texts changes from that of merely illustrative to the informative one which would "speak" on its own account and render original information. The goal of the article is to find out how the norms, ideas and conceptions for the use of moving and static images are manifested in present-day Lithuania both on the level of declarations and that of practice. The underlying research problem observable in the relationship between image and word is whether it is possible to completely dissociate the image which conveys polysemantic optical surface from the word so that it would convey rational historical information. Analysis of documents and texts points at the prioritizing of information and documentation related function of images which conveys original meanings (uncharacteristic of words). However, the analysed cases show that the image fails to “disengage” from the verbal interpretation of history.In history textbook "Laikas" ("Time") the image serves as an illustration to textual history; in documentaries and television programmes it not only serves as an illustration to an off-camera narrative, but also plays the role of a metonymy of the nation’s history myth and symbol of the period, whereas in A. Bumblauskas’ synthesis "Senosios Lietuvos istorija" ("A History of Old Lithuania"), which regards image as an authentic and unique document, and documentary films it is "made speak" exclusively within the framework of a certain interpretation, argumentation and analysis. [From the publication]

0202-3342; 2538-6549
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