LTMonografijos objektas - XVIII a. antrosios pusės Abiejų Tautų Respublikos valdymo reformos finansų, kariuomenės, policijos, teisingumo, užsienio reikalų, švietimo administravimo ir lokalinės savivaldos srityse. Knygoje į šias reformas žvelgiama plačiame biurokratinių sistemų raidos Europoje kontekste. Akademinį pasakojimą papildo gausūs archyvinių šaltinių duomenys apie Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės valstybės tarnautojų korpusą, jų gaunamo atlyginimo dydį, pareigybių subordinaciją, darbo laiko reglamentavimą ir kt. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas Lietuvos iždo ir karo komisijų veiklai. Edukacinės komisijos. Nuolatinės tarybos ir įstatymų sargybos funkcionavimui, seimelių veiklos organizavimui, valdymo pokyčiams 1794 m. sukilimo laikotarpiu.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Abiejų Tautų Respublika (ATR; Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów; Žečpospolita; Sandrauga; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth); Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Viešoji administracija; Valstybės valdymo teorijos; Biurokratinės struktūros; Valstybės vykdomoji valdžia; Valdymo reformos; Karinė reforma; Švietimo reforma; Iždo reforma; Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth; The Grand Lithuanian Duchy; Public administration; State ruling theory; Structures of bureaucracy; State executive power; Reforms of ruling; Military reform; Reform of education; Reform of treasury.
EN[...] The research object is the executive authorities of the second half of the 18th century, their structure, composition and activities. Whereas the area of responsibility of the Treasury Commission - finance management - determined the factual order, culture and bureaucratic attitudes and behaviours, an assumption is made that the bureaucratic order was more rigidly followed by the authorities responsible for finance management compared to military or police authorities. As a result of such an approach, the monograph pays slightly more attention to the sphere of treasury administration than the administrative changes in other spheres. The monograph discusses the development of public authorities in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania following the chronological-thematic principle. The first part of the book is dedicated to the review of the changes in public administration in the modern period by focusing on military reforms and the formation of police authorities. The second part covers the administrative functions of the Sejm (the executive power) and analyses the establishment of the Treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the military commissions as well as their activities. The third part provides a discussion of central executive authorities in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - the Commission of National Education and the Permanent Council. The fourth part analyses the changes in public authorities in 1788-1792 and the fifth part focuses on the development of public authorities during the period of the Confederation and the Grodno Sejm of 1792-1793, while the seventh part addresses administrative changes during the 1794 Uprising. The sixth part is analyses the administrative functions of sejmiks in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, discusses local police authorities and the changes in the administration of state-owned estates. [...]. [From the publication]