Ciskodo parapijos lietuvininkų šnektos fonologija

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ciskodo parapijos lietuvininkų šnektos fonologija
Alternative Title:
Phonology of the Lithuanian subdialect of Ciskodas parish
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2003, Nr. 3 (24), p. 7-13
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe Ciskodas subdialect - the remote Vilniškiai dialect in Latgalia (that is especially interesting) is described in this article. According to the pronunciation of the stressed vowel o of the common Lithuanian language the subdialect of Ciskodas belongs to the ‘žãdininkai’ group (they say žãdis „žodis“). Rules of Dzūkai dialect are not applied before the vowel ė that is continued as a diphthong in spite of its fronting, evidently after ti, di >ci, dzi: indíeti', c' and dz' are used before fronted ā and ż instead of the affricates c and dz", e.g.: dunda/ „dantys“. In the subdialect of Ciskodas these consonants are very rarely mutated (before fronted vowels c and dž' more often correspond to c' and dz'). In the Ciskodas subdialect the consonants l, r and s were hardened long ago, š, ž, c, č later. Confirmation of this is to be found in the consonantal variants existing until today. [From the publication]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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