Grupinių valdymo sprendimų priėmimo proceso struktūrizavimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Grupinių valdymo sprendimų priėmimo proceso struktūrizavimas
Alternative Title:
Structurization of the process of making group management decisions
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2001, Nr. 1 (14), p. 105-112
Summary / Abstract:

ENThough group work is acknowledged to be more effective than the individual, but it may not be estimated as having one meaning, because the results of decisions made in group may be predetermined by the opinion of one or some more active members of the group, especially the leader. We need the model to regulate the process of making decisions in such a way that all the members of the group could freely express their opinion, concepts, points of view for avoiding the influence, thrusting one’s opinion on others any one or some people, though acknowledged to be the leaders of the group. Such function may be performed by the system of compulsory, regulating the process procedures and rules. When discussing even very important problems which are urgent for everybody, people often consciously or unconsciously “get off the point”, besides the group may always include one or more concerned persons wishing consciously to give the discussion the proper way hoping (despite the reasons) for the decision which can first of all satisfy their interests and not the objectives of the organization. Thus in making group decisions the leader of the group should watch attentively the discussion (the process of making a decision) to be carried out in the most effective direction of making a decisions and not to deline from the objective. Besides, it is not enough to remind the people constantly about the objective, they must know what and why they are supposed to do specifically for achieving the objective.Experiments showed that it was not enough to follow only generalized theories of management (they must be followed compulsory!) by making specific decisions by agreement in the groups (4-6 persons) who differ in their character, interests, objectives, ambitions, concepts and points of view, especially when in defending their opinion by using the way of offending other persons or ungrounded and not constructive critics in the level of emotions not mind is chosen. In such a case even quite experienced and theoretically well trained leaders do not succeed in making an effective group decision by an agreement. Thus it is important to create models (structures of the process of making a decision) to help the group not to decline from the planned course. The models (structures) regulating the process of making decisions serve evidently for improving the above process, but they should not only be explained theoretically, but also all the members of the group should be provided with such models for individual usage. Thus the management of the process of making group decisions structurizes all the process into separate stages (steps), it makes the process more rational, conscious, because the group is not permitted to decline from the objective to be achieved by the group. [From the publication]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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