Neregių kūrybingumo fenomenas istorijos raidoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Neregių kūrybingumo fenomenas istorijos raidoje
Alternative Title:
Phenomena of the blind creativity in history
In the Journal:
Specialusis ugdymas [Special Education]. 2002, Nr. 1 (6), p. 100-103
Kūrybiškumas / Creativity.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Neregiai; Kūrybingumo fenomenas; Blind; Creativity phenomenon.

ENThe adequate attitude of society towards people with disabilities helps the latter to realize their potential better and to integrate into society more successfully. Some authors suggest that a positive attitude of society towards the blind was formed by the existence of famous blind people. We made a bibliographic list of 1146 famous people who lived at different periods in different countries. According to their occupations, people were classified into several classes. People of the humanities formed the most biggest group of all (90%), and there were only 9% of those who chose exact sciences. About one third (316 - 27.57%) of professions of the famous blind were related to musical activity. They were musicians (most of them played the organ, the piano or the violin), composers, singers and musicologists. The oldest fine art sample of fresco fragment on the tomb of famous blind musician, vizier Nacht, in Egypt (Thebes), where the blind harpist is showed playing for guests of feast, testifies that old profession of the blind. Vizier Nacht was a representative of VXIII New Kingdom dynasty. This dynasty ruled over 1580 - 1350 BC. Thus this masterpiece of the blind musician is of more than 3000 years. The second group is made of writers (181 - 15.8%):,98 (8.5%) poets, 83 (7.2%) prose-writers. The third class is formed of typhlologists (8.7%), the fourth group of people presented various other professions. The analysis of ideals and the level of humanism in different societies at different periods and in different countries where 1146 famous blind people lived, has shown that the appearance of the talented blind depends directly on the level of democracy of a society: the more democratic the society, the more opportunities there are for the blind people to develop their talents. [From the publication]

1392-5369; 2424-3299
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