Ketvirtokų sampratos apie galimybes patiems dalyvauti kūrybiniame procese tyrimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ketvirtokų sampratos apie galimybes patiems dalyvauti kūrybiniame procese tyrimas
Alternative Title:
Research on fourth-formers’ opportunities to participate in creative processes
In the Journal:
Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai. 2004, Nr. 3, p. 49-58
Lazdijai; Lietuva (Lithuania); Kūrybiškumas / Creativity; Mokiniai /School students.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: IV klasės mokiniai; Ketvirtokas; Kūryba; Kūrybingumas; Kūrybingumo lygis; Kūrybingumo samprata; Požiūris į kūrybą; Attitude towards creativity; Class IV students; Creation; Creativity; Creativity level; The concept of creativity.

ENConsidering expectations of modern society and requirements for comprehensive schools, Lithuanian scientists and teachers-practicians are searching for the most appropriate means, ways and forms of developing pupils’ of different age creativity. However, little research has been done to find out how elementary school pupils perceive the essence of creation and creativity, how deep they are aware of their creative potential and how much they would be interested in its development. The aim of the article is both to ascertain and generalise the attitude of fourth-formers towards creation including preconditions for the development of a positive attitude towards creation. The research carried out at Veisėjai Secondary School, Lazdijai region, in 2003–2004. The data of the questionnaires was processed from the following aspects: creation; concept of creativity, realization of fourth-formers’ different creation levels; creative attitudes of the surveyed; notion of creative products; the surveyed pupils’ interest in creation; their assessment of own abilities to create; difficulties pupils face in creative process; influence of temper and mood on creative process and its results; importance of ability to create.The research has proved: 1. The information on the concept, approach and attitudes towards creation and creativity is essential in designing educational content and policymaking as well as corrective means and problem solving. 2. Fourth-formers (relying on the knowledge accumulated and attitudes) are partially able to explain the notions creation and creativity as well as to outline the variety of creative products and distinguish different levels of creativity. 3. Fourth-formers fall into the intermediate level (in between concrete and formal operations) according to the conditionally distinguished levels of development by Piaget. It is essential to formulate properly abstract and concrete questions for the questionnaire to get reliable data. [From the publication]

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