Kitokia Veronika Šleivytė

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kitokia Veronika Šleivytė
Alternative Title:
Different Veronika Šleivytė
In the Journal:
Krantai. 2008, Nr. 4, p. 36-43
Veronika Šleivytė; Kaunas. Kauno kraštas (Kaunas region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Atsiminimai. Biografijos / Memories. Biographies; Dailė / Art; Fotografija / Photography; Kultūros paveldas / Cultural heritage; Menininkai. Menotyrininkai / Artists. Art critics.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Biografija; Fotografija; Grafika, tapyba; Lietuvos XX a. fotografija; Lietuvos XX a. tapyba; Veronika Šleivytė; Veronikos Šleivytės fotografija; Biography; Graphics; Lithuanian 20th century painting; Lithuanian 20th century photography; Painting; Photography; The Photography by Veronika Šleivytė; Veronika Šleivytė.

ENTen years passed since the death of the artist Veronika ŠLEIVYTĖ (1906-1998). The Distributor of Joy, The Queen of Flowers, The Patriarch of Lithuanian Art - those are just a couple of characterizations from bombastic fictionalized articles, commemorating the artist’s exhibitions and creative anniversaries during the Soviet time and the first years of Lithuanian independence. The extravagant appearance of the artist, exceptional activity while preparing personal shows, turned Veronika Šleivytė into one of the most colourful and controversial Kaunas'artistic personalities. Even thou her artistic heritage (graphics and paintings) stayed in the margins, the contemporary researchers are more attracted to the peripheral activities of the artist - photography. This article by the art historian Ieva BURBAITĖ points out the lesser known facts of the artists’ biography, early developed tendency towards educational work and her achievements, as a photographer, during the in-between the wars period. [From the publication]

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