Kaip Lietuvoje atsirado pirmasis konstitucinis įstatymas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kaip Lietuvoje atsirado pirmasis konstitucinis įstatymas
Alternative Title:
First constitutional law in Lithuania: how did it come into being?
In the Journal:
Jurisprudencija [Jurisprudence]. 2014, Nr. 21 (2), p. 421-439
Vėliau paskelbta leidinyje: Nepriklausomybės sąsiuviniai. 2015, 1, p. 27-32. ISSN 2029-9516.
Summary / Abstract:

LT1991 m. vasario 11 d. priimtas konstitucinis įstatymas „Dėl Lietuvos valstybės“ yra pirmasis konstitucinis įstatymas Lietuvos teisės istorijoje. Straipsnyje atskleidžiamos jo priėmimo aplinkybės, parodomas ryšys su 1991 m. vasario 9 d. įvykusia gyventojų visuotine apklausa (plebiscitu). Nagrinėjama, kuo šis konstitucinis įstatymas skiriasi nuo šiuo metu galiojančioje Konstitucijoje įtvirtinto konstitucinių įstatymų instituto. Pateikiami argumentai, paneigiantys teisės mokslinėje literatūroje išdėstytą nuomonę, kad visuotinė apklausa (plebiscitas) buvo surengta „siekiant nuostatai dėl Lietuvos valstybės suvereniteto ir valstybės formos suteikti konstitucinį statusą“. Straipsnyje remiamasi ne tik tuo metu galiojusiu Laikinuoju Pagrindiniu Įstatymu ir kitais teisės aktais, bet ir autentiška, dar niekur neskelbta 1991 m. vasario 11 d. priimto Konstitucinio įstatymo projekto rengimo medžiaga. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe Constitutional Law "On the State of Lithuania" that was adopted on 11 February, 1991 is the first constitutional law in the history of Lithuania’s law. The author describes the circumstances in which this constitutional law was adopted and discloses the relation of this law to the general poll (plebiscite) held on 9 February, 1991. The article shows how this constitutional law is different from the institute of constitutional laws established in the Constitution that is in force at present. The Constitutional Law "On the State of Lithuania" has been included into the Constitution of 1992 as its constituent part (Article 150 of the Constitution), therefore, its legal power is the same as that of the entire Constitution, i.e., the constitutional law in question has the supreme legal power as the rest provisions of the Constitution do. The Constitution also consolidates constitutional laws of a different type, i.e., the constitutional laws that must be included into the list of constitutional laws (Paragraph 3 of Article 69 of the Constitution), as well as the laws that are referred to as the constitutional ones in separate articles of the Constitution (Paragraph 3 of Article 47 of the Constitution). One is not allowed to identify the constitutional laws included into the list of constitutional laws and the constitutional law specified in Paragraph 3 of Article 47 of the Constitution, on the one hand, with the constitutional laws (constitutional acts) specified in Article 150 of the Constitution, on the other hand, since the legal power of the constitutional laws included into the list of constitutional laws and the constitutional law specified in Paragraph 3 of Article 47 of the Constitution is lower than the legal power of the Constitution.The arguments of the article are critical of the opinion found in the scientific legal literature that the general poll (plebiscite) was held "in order to grant the constitutional status to the provision regarding the sovereignty and form of the State of Lithuania". [From the publication]

1392-6195; 2029-2058
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