LTDepiktyvai yra laisvieji nerezultatiniai antriniai predikatyvai; sakinyje jie sintaksiniu ryšiu susiję su pagrindiniu predikatu, o semantiniu – dar ir su pagrindinio predikato argumentu, kurį depiktyvas apibūdina (žr. Čižik-Prokaševa 2010a: 130t, 2010b: 8tt, 2011: 76tt, 84). Tas semantinis depiktyvo ryšys su pagrindinio predikato argumentu yra vienas iš svarbiausių kriterijų, padedantis atskirti depiktyvus nuo kitų sakinio dalių (gramatinių funkcijų). Terminas depiktyvai (depiktyviniai antriniai predikatyvai) užsienio lingvistikoje vartojamas nenuosekliai. Vieni šį terminą vartoja plačiąja prasme, priešindami rezultatyvams, t. y. rezultatiniams antriniams predikatyvams (pvz., Schultze-Berndt, Himmelmann 2004; Himmelmann, Schultze-Berndt 2005; Bucheli Berger 2005). Šia prasme terminas apima ne tik depiktyvus siaurąja prasme, bet ir aplinkybinius antrinius predikatyvus. Kiti lingvistai terminą depiktyvai vartoja siaurąja prasme, priešindami jį aplinkybiniams antriniams predikatyvams, o šiuos du – rezultatiniams antriniams predikatyvams (pvz., Halliday 1967; Nichols 1978b, 1981; Plank 1985; Irimia 2005; Simpson 2005; Hentschel 2008).Reikšminiai žodžiai: Antriniai predikatyvai; Depiktyvai; Lietuvių kalbos į situacijos dalyvį orientuotų modifikatorių semantinis žemėlapis; Predikatyvai; Semantika; Universalus į situacijos dalyvį orientuotų modifikatorių žemėlapis; Depictives; Modifiers; Predicates; Secondary Predicates; Semantics; Tentative Semantic Map of Participant oriented Modifiers in the Lithuanian Language; Universal Semantic Map for Participant oriented.
ENThe article sets out to analyse the similarities and differences of free secondary predicates (predicative adjuncts) in the Lithuanian language and secondary predicates in other languages. The study has been carried out relying on the universal semantic map for participant-oriented modifiers drawn by N. P. Himmelmann and E. Schultze-Berndt (2005) and on the basis of the elements of its composition. The analysis has demonstrated that the majority of Lithuanian language modifiers which have usually been analysed as circumstantials, i.e. as event-oriented modifiers, are in fact also participant-oriented. Their semantic link with the participant is reflected not only by the secondary predicates of physical, mental or emotional condition, function, role, association, collective or life stage but also by those of manner, concomitance, distributivity, time and even location and atmospheric condition. As a result, a tentative semantic map of participant-oriented modifiers in the Lithuanian language has been composed and it is provided in the article. This map is different from the universal map of Himmelmann and Schultze-Berndt because of the specificity of the Lithuanian language (secondary predicates of time, collective, distributivity, order, frequency and emphatic pronoun in the map of the Lithuanian language have fallen into different places.The denotation of location of event has been eliminated) and because of different theoretical principles selected for this study (the denotations of comparison and benefactive / malefactive are eliminated, circumstantial secondary predicates are added). With respect to the possible denotations of free secondary predicates in different languages of the word as proposed by Himmelmann and Schultze-Berndt, the Lithuanian language only lacks those of comparison, benefactive / malefactive and location of event; however, it is possible to distinguish additional categories of causal, temporal, conditional and concessive circumstantials. On the basis of the investigation, the following tentative semantic map of participant-oriented modifiers in the Lithuanian language has been drawn. [From the publication]