Liaudiškumo paieškos ansamblių vakaruose

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Liaudiškumo paieškos ansamblių vakaruose
Alternative Title:
Looking for national character during ensembles’ evenings
In the Journal:
Gimtasai kraštas. 2015, t. 9, p. 23-27
Dainos / Songs; Liaudies kultūra / Folk culture; Šventės. Atmintinos dienos / Festivals. Holy days.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Ansamblių vakarai; Dainų ir šokių ansambliai; Dainų Šventė; Etninės kultūros savitumas; Liaudiškumas; Lietuva, Dainų šventė, Ansamblių vakaras, liaudiškumas, paieškos; Ensembles Evening; Folklore customs level; Lithuania, Song Festival, Ensembles Evening, Folk, Search engine; Song Feast; Song and dance ensembles; The peculiarity of ethnic culture.

ENThe article deals with development, place and significance of a song and dance ensembles’ evening as one of the most original events of the song festival. Basing herself on the evening programmes (since 1970 have been 11 of them), the advantages and problems of this genre are described. The repertoire of ensembles’ evenings during the period of 1990–2014 is analyzed deeper: composers’ works, contemporary composing, use of folklore, interpretation techniques, etc. The main focus is on the genre peculiarity issues: how much a song and dance ensemble, born from folk traditions, has kept them and how much and why has departed from them. There are also described the issues of folklore re-creation, traditional music playing, singing and ethno-choreography, suggested ways of problem solving and given recommendations to the organizers of the evenings. The programme of the Ensemble evening of 2014 (director Leokadija Dabužinskaitė) leads to the conclusion that after much searching and experimentation, song and dance ensembles are again returning to the origins of ethnic culture. [From the publication]

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Ansamblių vakaras: šventinis ritualas ir teatralizuotas reginys / Rasa Stakauskaitė. Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis 2021, t. 100, p. 46-80.
2018-12-17 14:01:47
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