Paauglių konfliktai : vertybinis aspektas ir raiškos tendencijos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Paauglių konfliktai: vertybinis aspektas ir raiškos tendencijos
Alternative Title:
Adolescents' conflicts: the aspect of values and tendency of conflicting action
In the Journal:
Acta paedagogica Vilnensia. 2006, t. 16, p. 106-117
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje aptariamas vienas ryškiausių paauglystės bruožų – konfliktiškumas. Sociologinėje ir edukacinėje literatūroje keliama mintis, kad esminė konfliktų priežastis – vertybės: neturėjimas galimybių praktiškai jų įkūnyti, prieštaringas požiūris į jas ir kt. Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti, kokių vertybių frustracija dažniausiai tampa paauglių konfliktų su bendraklasiais, mokytojais ir tėvais kilimo priežastimi. Kartu nagrinėjama, kokios vyrauja paauglių vertybių konfliktų apraiškos: agresyvios, regresyvios ar egresyvios. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Paauglių konfliktai; Vertybinis aspektas; Veiklos tendencijos; Adolescents' conflicts; The aspect of values; Tendency of conflicting action.

ENThe article seeks: 1) to bring out peculiarities of adolescents’ conflicting action when their contradictors become classmates, teachers and parents, 2) to analyze the level of the frustration of teenager’s values. The type of investigating adolescents’ conflicts is determined by the values’ conflict. It was defined in the article as conflict caused by their, classmates, teachers, parents’ behaviour, frustrating adolescents’ values. Three types of conflicting teenagers’ behavior is determined in the research: 1) aggressive treatment, 2) egressive treatment, 3) regressive treatment. The investigation was carried out with the 586 pupils aged from 12 to 16 years (7th–9th grades), learning in town, regional and country Lithuanian secondary schools. The link between adolescents’ conflicting action and frustration of adolescents’ values is established. According to data analysis, the conflicting action with classmates and teachers is mostly dealing with adolescents’ values such as love, responsibility, politeness frustration. Such values’ as love and friendship frustration is the most closely connected with adolescents’ conflicting action with parents. It has also been established that the values’ frustration mostly influences the aggressive adolescents’ behaviour. The results of the empirical research show that such values as love, freedom and seeking education are mostly frustrated. According to data analysis, there are 14.2 percent of pupils who feel deep frustration – lacking love; 8.6 percent – lacking freedom, 7 percent – lacking learning skills. [From the publication]

1392-5016; 1648-665X
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