Kristijono Donelaičio kūrybos refleksija Kazio Bradūno poemoje "Donelaičio kapas"

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kristijono Donelaičio kūrybos refleksija Kazio Bradūno poemoje "Donelaičio kapas"
Alternative Title:
Reflection of Kristijonas Donelaitis’ creative work in Kazys Bradūnas’ poem "The Tomb of Donelaitis"
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariama Kristijono Donelaičio kūrybos recepcija Kazio Bradūno poemoje Donelaičio kapas. Donelaičio gyvenimas ir kūryba joje yra tapę intertekstais ir todėl keliamas klausimas - kas aktualizuojama ir kokias prasmes intertekstai kuria. Donelaičio kapas - viena iš Bradūno Lietuviškos trilogijos dalių (jai dar priklauso Sonatos ir fugos bei Pokalbiai su karalium). Trilogiją vienija tautos išlikimo problema. Trilogijos pratarmėje pats poetas yra rašęs, kad visą gyvenimą jį jaudino rūpestis - kodėl lietuvių tauta, ta salelė tarp slavų ir germanų, istorijoje išliko, o ne ištirpo. Bradūno teigimu, lietuvių tautai atsilaikyti padėjo trys bruožai: žemdirbiškumas, valstybingumas ir kūrybiškumas. Svarbiausiu laikomas kūrybiškumas. Straipsnyje atskleidžiama, kad kūrybos tema yra tapusi paradigmine prasmine struktūra, vienijančia trilogijos dalis; poemoje nuosekliai ryškėja idealizuojantis santykis su Donelaičio kūryba, kuri iškyla kaip tautos gyvybės sergėtoja iki mūsų dienų. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kristijonas Donelaitis; Intertekstai; Kazys Bradūnas; Kristijonas Donelaitis; Kūrybos refleksija; Liaudies dainos; Tautiškumas; Donelaitis; Folk songs; Intertexts; Kazys Bradūnas; Kristijonas Donelaitis; Nationality; Reflection of creative work.

ENThe reflection of Kristijonas Donelaitis’ creative work in Kazys Bradūnas’ poem The Tomb of Donelaitis is being discussed in this article. There is a hypothesis concerning Donelaitis’ life and creative work being intertexts here. The question is what are the topical issues and their meaning. The Tomb of Donelaitis is part of Bradūnas’ Lithuanian Trilogy (the other parts are Sonatas and Fugues and Talks With the King). The main theme in this trilogy is the survival of the nation. In the foreword the poet himself wrote about the question that was bothering him all his life - why the Lithuanian nation, this small island in between the Slav and the German nations, did not disappear in the course of history but survived. According to Bradūnas, three things helped the Lithuanian nation to withstand the extinction: farmers’ diligence, statehood, and creativity. The main attribute is creativity. This article says that the main theme has become the paradigmatic notional structure, uniting all three parts of this trilogy. Donelaitis’ life and creative work is being drawn into the great battle of life and death, where history and nature are its participants.The historical events from the times of Donelaitis to the 20th century are woven into the tapestry of the lyrical tale. The fate of the Lithuania Minor and Lithuania in general (its exile, occupation, elimination of the Lithuanian language) is related here. The aspect of creation in The Tomb of Donelaitis is being interpreted as a force capable most of all to resist death. The motifs of a word, poetry and poet’s calling are frequent in this poem. Alongside professional creative work represented by Donelaitis’ The Seasons, folk art and singing in particular is considered to be equally important. This is revealed when analysing the poem The Ballad of Riders and Song. The idealising view of Donelaitis’ creative work, which emerges as a guardian of nation’s viability, is being coherently revealed in this poem. [From the publication]

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2019-11-21 14:10:47
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