LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Balansas; Ekologiniai ūkiai; Ekologinis ūkis; Ūkininkavimas; Žemėnauda; Žemėnaudos struktūra; Balance; Ecological farms; Farming; Landuse structure; Landuse strukture.
ENThe paper deals with the development of ecological farmland in 2000–2008 in EU-27 (old members – EU-15, and new members – EU-12) and landuse structure according to the share of arable land, meadows and pastures, orchards and berry plantations as well as other utilised land. The problem of balance between ecological farmland and farming intensity of Lithuanian ecological farms in the context of other EU countries is revealed more in detail. It was determined, that already after the country’s entrance to EU (in 2005) the landuse structure of Lithuanian ecological farmland tended to the direction of crop husbandry with dominated cereals. Thus the situation forces to rethink the ecological farming directions in our country in order to achieve the better balance between farming and landuse structure, firstly by stimulating mixed farming with integrated crop and animal husbandry. [From the publication]