LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Aukso fondas; Eksponatas; Kolekcija; Lietuvos dailės muziejus; Lietuvos fotomenininkai; Lietuvos fotomenininkų sąjunga; Lietuvos kultūros ir meno nacionalinės premijos laureatai; Meninė fotografija; Meninės fotografijos kolekcija; Nuotrauka; Art photography; Art photography collection; Collection; Exhibit; Golden Fund; Lithuanian Art Museum; Lithuanian Photographers' Union; Lithuanian photographers; Photos; Winners of Lithuanian National Prize for Culture and Arts.
ENThe article discusses the formation and development of art photography collection of the Lithuanian Art Museum. Initial collection of 769 exhibits (1997) was since complemented with new photos and has gained status of the national value. In the end of 2014, the collection consisted of 2947 exhibits. There are more than 100 authors; every piece of art distinguishes with unique touch and style. The highest artistic quality shows the fact that 147 photos are in the Gold Fund of the Museum. In recent years, researchers of art photography paid much attention to archives of winners of the Lithuanian National Culture and Art Prize. Photos of eight out of nine prize winners are stored in the Lithuanian Art Museum. The publication discusses not only the photos stored in the museum but also creative peculiarities of authors are represented. Accumulated art photography to the museum’s collection widely reflects the specifics of Lithuanian classical photographers. At the same time, it is recognized that full retrospective is missing some significant artists. [From the publication]