Radvilų žirandolis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Radvilų žirandolis
Alternative Title:
Girandile of Radvilas
In the Journal:
Lietuvos dailės muziejaus metraštis [LDM metraštis]. 2016, t. 18, p. 111-119
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Dekoras; Kėdainiai; Kėdainių evangelikų reformatų bažnyčia; Kėdainių krašto muziejus; Manierizmas; Radvilos (Radziwill; Radvila family); Sietynas; Šviestuvas; Žirandolis; Chandelier; Decor; Evangelical Reformed Church of Kedainiai; Evangelical Reformed Church of Kėdainiai; Girandile; Girandile of Radvilas; Mannerism; The Region Museum of Kėdainiai.

ENThe publication describes the so-called girandile of Radvilas, the only surviving such large representative ancient object in Lithuania. For almost two and a half hundred years the chandelier glowed in Evangelical Reformed Church of Kėdainiai and was later transported to the Evangelical Reformed Church of Vilnius, where it was electrified and further used for its intended purpose. After that it was handed over to the Lithuanian Art Museum, then finally returned to Kėdainiai and now is stored in the Kėdainiai Region Museum with a long-term deposit rights. The publication discusses information of girandile origins in various written sources (modern and ancient), its emergence in our country and convincingly sets out the facts negating this information. The article negotiates the myths about girandile - it is believed that the girandile is the artwork of Russian masters, brought to Lithuania as Radvilas' trophy during the battles in Smolensk. This publication also describes the decor of the girandile and the results of restorations accomplished in 1983 and 2013. [From the publication]

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