LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Ankstyvieji viduramžiai; Archeologija; Archeologiniai kasinėjimai; Eglinės piliakalnis; Geležies amžius; Geomorfologiniai tyrimai; Gynybiniai įtvirtinimai; Jotvingiai; Kraštovaizdis; Viduramžiai; Vėlyvasisi romėniškasis laikotarpis; Šiaurės rytų Lenkija; Archaeological excavations; Archaeology; Defensive Fortifications; Early Medieval times; Geomorphological investigation; Hillfort Jegliniec (Eglinė); Iron Age; Landscape; Late Roman Period; Middle Ages; North eastern Poland; Yotvingians.
ENThe author of the article conducted archaeology digs in Eglinė at the end of the 1980s, the beginning of the 1990s. She has several publications regarding the topic. At present she is preparing the extensive monograph on the archaeological discoveries at Eglinė. The research proves that Eglinė was the second most important Yotvingian fortification after Šiurpilai in early medieval times. There were several settlements near the castle hill and the findings (including metal items) provide information about the material culture as well as everyday life of their inhabitants. The archaeology digs were conducted along with geomorphological investigation carried out by the Institute of Geology of Warsaw University. [From the publication]