LTStraipsnyje atkreipiamas dėmesys į išeivių rašytojų epistolinę komunikaciją: A. Nykos-Niliūno laiškus A. Vaičiulaičiui ir H. Nagio – J. Aisčiui. Atidesnis šios korespondencijos skaitymas galėtų paneigti mitą apie neišvengiamą generacinį konfliktą. Laiškuose gausu pagarbos ženklų, ieškoma tiesioginio kontakto ir tikimasi sutarti dėl estetinių vertybių. Atrandama retorinė etoso strategija, padedanti įtikinti, įtvirtinti poziciją, nepažeidžiant adresanto ir adresato distancijos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Alfonsas Nyka-Niliūnas; Antanas Vaičiulaitis; Adresantas; Adresatas; Egzilio poezija; Etosas; Generacija; H. Nagys; J. Aistis; Laiškai; A. Nyka-Niliūnas; A. Vaičiulaitis; Addressee; Addresser; Ethos; Exile poetry; Generation; H. Nagys; J. Aistis; Letters.
ENLetters of the writers (Alfonsas Nyka-Niliūnas and Antanas Vaičiulaitis; Henrikas Nagys and Jonas Aistis) are significant egodocuments, and an attentive interpreter can find features of war-time and post-war epistolary etiquette and a purposeful rhetoric ethos in them. In this case, an addresser tends to manipulate an addressee and to strengthen his position in the field of exile Lithuanian literature but not without avoiding conflicts. The generation of the Žemininkai (born in 1917–1921) communicated with their elder colleagues, the Neo-Romantics, respecting the older authorities, but also dissociating themselves from the imitative and trivial tendencies of some distinguished authors. They also expressed their will to cooperate with the writers who belong to the same “tribe” of Western Modernism. The communication of Nagys and Aistis was suddenly interrupted due to their incompatible characters and egocentric ambitions; on the other hand, Nyka- Niliūnas and Vaičiulaitis were able to maintain their correspondence for many years. In the last years of his life, Vaičiulaitis acknowledged that he had never felt any generational conflict and that he was fortunate to have secured his friendship with Aistis and Nyka-Niliūnas in equal measure. [From the publication]