Dėl naudininko vartojimo dabartinėje lietuvių kalboje : (kalbos norminimo aspektas)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dėl naudininko vartojimo dabartinėje lietuvių kalboje: (kalbos norminimo aspektas)
Alternative Title:
Regarding the usage of dative in the modern Lithuanian language: (aspect of language standardization)
In the Book:
Baltistikos centrai ir Lietuva: baltistika pasaulio kontekste. Vilnius: Baltijos kopija, 2014. P. 121-130
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Dabartinė lietuvių kalba; Kalbos kultūra; Kalbos norminimas; Linksnis; Morfologija; Naudininkas; Norma; Sintaksė; Case; Dative; Language standardization; Modern Lithuanian language; Morphology; Norm; Standard language; Standardization; Syntax.

ENThe goal of the article is to reveal the specifics and tendencies of the use of the dative case in modern Lithuanian from the perspective of language standardization. The research material consists of approximately 300 topical occurences of the use of the dative case. The analysis of unacceptable cases of the use of dative submitted in the "Language Advice" was carried out. The group of non-standard phenomena consists of language mistakes, i.e. phenomena that are unacceptable in the standard language. The acquired research data have been divided into three groups: 1) cases of standardisation of the dative, which are still topical (e.g., non-standard dative for expression of an object using the words atitikimas, atitikti, atsilaikyti, indėlis, nusikaltimas, pastūmėti, vertinti, etc.); 2) possibly obsolescent use (e.g., nonstandard dative for expression of an object using the words kreipti dėmesį, panašus (panašumas), prisitaikyti (prisitaikymas), sutelkti dėmesį, užjausti, etc.); 3) obsolete corrections of the dative (e.g., non-standard dative for expression of an object using the words kurstyti, linkti (būti linkusiam), pasipiktinimas, pasitikėti (pasitikėjimas), piktintis, taikstytis, tikėjimas, tikėti, etc.). The research conducted is of exploratory nature.It can only be stated that the language is undergoing changes. A considerable number of cases of use of the dative, which were rather topical a decade ago (possibly due to the bilingualism, which existed in Lithuania), now are seen as obsolescent (or even obsolete) language phenomena. However, the number of cases of non-standard use of the dative still remains high. The article is prepared on the basis of the project "Research of the Relationship between Lithuanian Language Syntactic Standard Recommendations and its Contemporary Usage" (supervisor of the project: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lina Murinienė) implemented by the Department of Lithuanian Linguistics and Conmumication at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences and funded by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language. [From the publication]

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2018-06-28 12:52:10
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