LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Dvarai; Gardinas; Karališki sodai; Karališkieji sodai Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje; Karališkosios rezidencijos LDK; Knyšinas; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); 16 amžius; Parkai; Tikocinas; Valdovo rezidencija; Vilnius; XVI a. sodai; Grodno; Knyszyn; Lithuanian XVI c. history; Manors; Parks; Residence of the Ruler; Royal Gardens; Royal Residences in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Royal garden; The Grand Duchy of Lithuania; The Royal Gardens in the 16th c.; Tykocin; Vilnius.
ENThe paper presents the Author's pioneering study of the royal gardens in Vilna, Wirszupy, Grodno, Knyszyn and Tykocin. Vilna. The garden by the royal castle had no equal in the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. When the Lower Castle burned down in 1513 and 1520, the residence was reconstructed in Renaissance style, probably after Bernardino de Gianotis's design. The new garden, planted in 1520-1534, extended along the slopes of the mount topped by the Upper Castle. Most probably, the garden was designed by Italian gardeners. The Vilna castle had one room called the lantern which was probably the vantage point onto the garden, the River Wilenka panorama and vast Bernardine gardens in the distance. Another important royal garden in Vilna surrounded Queen Bona's persona!manor located on the bank of the River Wilia. The manor and its garden were constructed from 1534 on after Bernardino de Gianotis's design. The archival sources indicate that the Queen was personally involved in planning and arranging this residence. Wirszupy. A small palace built for King Sigismund Augustus in 1544-1548 was surrounded by 28 fishponds. Grodno. There is not much that can be said about the composition of the Old Castle gardens. It is known that the entrance to the gardens was located right next to the castle gateway. On the other bank of the River Horodnica, a new royal grange with vast utility gardens was set up after 1533. The oldest royal game park was located on the left bank of the River Niemen, opposite the castle hill. It was noted in historical sources in 1560. It is probable that it was founded by Prince Witold in the area of the Teutonic Knights' castle he had burned down in 1392.Knyszyn. New gardens planted in Podlasie, in the Polish-Lithuanian borderland, were of particular importance. Knyszyn, offered to the young King Sigismund Augustus by Bishop Mikołaj Radziwiłł, was extended and furnished from 1529 on. There are no traces left of this residence. The archival sources indicate that the residence consisted of a of buildings situated around a rectangular courtyard, probably preceded by five ponds. The King's House was the most important building, from which an exit led to the garden. According to the source materials, the residence also included a decorative garden with flower and herb beds and a bower containing a table with benches. The Knyszyn residence was rebuilt in two stages; the second stage (from 1-553 on) embraced the activity of the Knyszyn starosta (royal deputy) Piotr Chwalczewski. He founded two granges, in Knyszyn and Dobrzyniewo, with regular Italian gardens. The main royal game park was located five kilometers from the town. There was also a "deer and hare park", combined with a group of fishponds. Tykocin. Probably in 1542 it was decided to have a fortress constructed in Tykocin where, in case of need, the King and the Queen could take refuge together with their personal property. The geographical conditions of the site were favorable, and a castle was designed by Job Preytfus (1549). In view of the King's interest in gardens, it may be supposed that there were also gardens in this castle, but the earliest source in which they are mentioned is a 1701 inventory. [From the publication]