Šv. Brunono Kverfurtiečio misija lenkų ir rusenų politikos su jotvingiais kontekste

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šv. Brunono Kverfurtiečio misija lenkų ir rusenų politikos su jotvingiais kontekste
Alternative Title:
Missionary activities of Bruno of Querfurt in the context of Polish-Russian politics towards the Yotvingians
In the Journal:
Terra Jatwezenorum [Jotvingių kraštas: jotvingių krašto istorijos paveldo metraštis]. 2014, 6, p. 6-24, 470-471
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Boleslovas Narsusis; Brunonas Kverfurtietis; Dainava; Istoriniai šaltiniai; Istoriografija; Krikščioniškos misijos; Kristianizacija; Lietuvos istorija; Prūsija; Boleslaw the Brave; Bruno of Querfurt; Christian mission; Christianization; Historical sources; Historiography; Lithuania; Lithuanian history; Prussia; Yotvingia.

ENThe first decade of the eleventh century was marked by the efforts of the Polish Duke Bolesław Chrobry (the Brave) to take control of Yotvingia. The German missionary, Bruno of Querfurt, got to play the main role in the duke’s plans. Despite the initial success, the project ultimately failed. On 9 March 1009 Bruno and his companions were killed. Missionary activities should be analyzed in the context of the Polish duke’s long-reaching policy towards the Old Prussian tribes. The mission to Christianize Yotvingians had been preceded by other missions financed by Bolesław Chrobry to the territories of Sweden, Hungary and Russia. Bruno himself included the information about these expeditions in his famous letter to the German King Henry II. He did not participate in the first of the expeditions to the court of Olaf Skötkonung. During the second expedition Bruno encountered the nomadic people of the Pechenegs for the first time. He probably got familiar with their beliefs and language; he also got translators. The competence he acquired proved necessary during his last mission to Kievan Rus (1008), which was experiencing a period of greatness under the rule of Vladimir Sviatoslavich. After being welcomed in Kiev, Bruno went to the steppes. These were controlled by the Pecheneges tribes and posed a threat to Kiev. They were also the actual purpose of his mission. The success in evangelization of the Pechenegs within several months resulted in peace between the Pecheneges and Kievan Rus.It furthermore lead to the Kievan duke granting permission to the Poles to take the initiative of Christianizing Yotvingia and Lithuania. Since 983 Rus had recognized these territories as its own sphere of influence. In addition, Bruno had established close ties with Vladimir’s son Sviatopelk. In January 1009 a group of missionaries headed towards the land of Yotvingia. They were immediately captured and put in front of the local ruler Nethimeras. Bruno was so successful in the so called “duel of cults” that the local population was ultimately converted to Christianity. The second phase of the mission took place in Lithuania. This time, however, the rally lacked consent, which led to the death sentence for the foreign missionaries. The only survivor was the chaplain Wipert whose account was one of the primary sources on the course of the mission. Bolesław Chrobry bought the remains of the missionaries, but the exact burial place of St. Bruno remains unknown. [From the publication]

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