Moterų gydytojų, 1922–1940 m. dirbusių Lietuvos (Vytauto Didžiojo) universitete, karjera, mokslinė ir visuomeninė veikla

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Moterų gydytojų, 1922–1940 m. dirbusių Lietuvos (Vytauto Didžiojo) universitete, karjera, mokslinė ir visuomeninė veikla
Alternative Title:
Career, social, and scientific activity of women physicians who worked at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lithuania (Vytautas Magnus University ) in 1922–1940
In the Journal:
Kauno istorijos metraštis. 2014, 14, p. 93-105
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos universiteto Medicinos fakultetas; Medicinos istorija; Moterys gydytojos; Faculty of Medicine at the University of Lithuania; History of Medicine; Women Physicians.

ENQuite a large number of women physicians worked at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lithuania (Vytautas Magnus University) in 1922–1940. The aim of the present investigation is to discuss career achievements and scientific and social activities of women physicians who worked at the Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Medicine in 1922–1940. Emilija Bliūdžiūtė was the first assistant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In addition to intensive obstetrical and educational activities, she researched the cases of ectopic pregnancies in the clinic. A. Šliūpaitė, a graduate of Pennsylvania University (USA), was elected as the second assistant of the Department. She analysed casuistic cases, studied the frequency of eclampsia and treatment results. The third assistant of the same Department was M. Zubrienė. During the period of the investigation, J. Mackevičaitė-Lašienė worked as an assistant at the Department of Pathology and Pathoanatomy. She researched morphology of endocrine glands and was a co-author of the textbook on human anatomy and physiology. Three women physicians worked at the Department of Pediatric Diseases; professor V. Tumėnienė was the head of the Department. At the same time, she ran State Children’s Hospital. She investigated the impact of appropriate children’s nutrition on death rate reduction, importance of vitamins, and topical treatment methods of newborn tetanus and meningitis. Assistant of the department A. Čarneckaitė-Birutavičienė was interested in children’s neurology, and she also investigated treatment of Harter disease and asthma. E. Gildė-Ostachovienė was interested in treatment of orthopedics and tuberculosis. All three women were members of Lithuanian Paediatric Association.The Department of Internal Diseases had two women assistants: A. Ambraziejūtė-Steponaitienė published 14 scientific articles on treatment of asthma, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatism, and allergy; J. Žakovičaitė did not prepare any scientific publication, but started new diagnostic methods in the clinic. Two assistants at the Ophthalmology Department O. Jablonskytė-Landsbergienė and E. Buivydaitė-Kutorgienė researched the most frequent causes of blindness, and both were active members of the Lithuanian Ophthalmological Society. Assistant of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases A. Kaupelytė-Ragaišienė analysed side effects of treatment with salvarsan and morbidity of venereal diseases. The results of the present investigation have revealed that in 1922–1940 women physicians at the Faculty of Medicine researched important scientific problems, prepared and published a significant number of articles, and participated in scientific conferences in Lithuania and abroad. They also initiated important laws in public health. However, they were mostly elected as assistants at the departments and only one of them, V. Tumėnienė, had the position of a professor. During the period of the present investigation, women physicians did not prepare and defend doctoral theses. [From the publication]

1822-2617; 2335-8734
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