LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Asmenvardiniai LDK onimai; Gardino pavietas; Karo tarnyba 1567 m.; Lietuviška tėvavardinė priesaga -aitis; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Pavardė; Prievardis; Slaviški baigmenys -owicz, -ewicz; Slaviški krikštavardžiai; Tėvavardis; Vardas; Vyrų vardai; 16th century; Cognomen; District of Grodno; Grodno' district; Military service; Name; Personal names of conscripts in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Slavic baptismal names; Surname.
ENThere are 58 people listed in the document about the military service created in 1567. 24 people are identified only by their name. Most of the names were taken from the Christian calendar. The most popular name was Jonas (7 people) and Ivan (3 people). One third of the people had their father’s name written with the Slavic ending -owicz/-ewicz while one person had his father’s name written with the Lithuanian ending -aitis. Three people were listed using only their surname. One person was listed with both his name and surname. There was often additional information next to the name or the surname: Who is the person? What are the duties of the person? What is the background of the person (a servant, a hire hand, a peasant, a nobleman, etc.)?. [From the publication]