Kelios tarmių žodynų rengimo problemos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kelios tarmių žodynų rengimo problemos
Alternative Title:
Some issues of dialect dictionary compilation
In the Book:
Leksikografija ir leksikologija. D. 5 / sudarė Aurelija Gritėnienė. Vilnius: Lietuvių kalbos institutas, 2015. P. 257-273
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Deminutyvas; Fonetinė transkripcija; Intranzityvumas; Kalbos dalių identifikavimas; Leksikografija; Pamatinis žodis; Priešdėlinis veiksmažodis; Rytų aukštaičiai širvintiškiai; Tarmių žodynas; Tarmės žodynas; Tranzityvumas; Dialect dictionary; Dictionary; Diminutive; Eastern Aukštaitian subdialect of Širvintos; Identification of parts of speach; Intransitivity; Keyword; Lexicography; Phonetic transcription; Prefixation of verb; Transitivity.

ENCompilers of explanatory dictionaries face a great variety of issues including phonetic, grammatical, semantic, lexicographic problems, etc. The majority of them have been described by Lithuanian linguists. They often mention issues related to selection of words, presentation of vernacularisms, limits of homonymy and polysemy, identification of parts of speech, etc. Specific questions also arise for dialect dictionary authors in relation to phonetics, accentuation, morphology, word formation or semantics. The present article is a discussion on more complicated cases that were encountered when writing the Dictionary of Vidiškiai Local Dialect (belonging to the Eastern Aukštaitian sub-dialect of Širvintos). It describes new features that distinguish the said dictionary from other dialect dictionaries. E.g., it is impossible to distinguish the accentuation paradigm of some nouns, as they are stressed according to a mixed paradigm of accentuation. The accentuation paradigm of such words is not indicated at all. The Dictionary of Vidiškiai Local Dialect is different from other dialect dictionaries in several structural aspects. Prefix verbs are presented in alphabetic order instead of presenting them in families. All the diminutives, adverbs and nouns having the suffixes -imas, -ymas and -umas have been described in separate articles. Botanical, zoological, medical and anatomic terms are supplemented with their Latin equivalents, as the majority of descriptions would be nive- lated to a great extent without them. During the writing process, quite a number of issues related to identification of adjectival participles and nominal adjectives had to be solved. Indicators of distinguishing transitive and intransitive verbs have been slightly complemented and corrected. E.g., a verb is treated as transitive if it indicates approximate quantity or expresses a psychological state and has a clear object. [From the publication]

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