Deminutyvų pateikimas aiškinamuosiuose lietuvių kalbos žodynuose

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Deminutyvų pateikimas aiškinamuosiuose lietuvių kalbos žodynuose
Alternative Title:
Presentation of diminutives in explanatory dictionaries of the Lithuanian language
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Aiškinamieji lietuvių kalbos žodynai; Aiškinamieji žodynai; Daiktavardiniai deminutyvai; Darybinė reikšmė; Darybos priesagos; Darybų formantai; Deminutyvai; Leksikografija; Pamatiniai žodžiai; Priesagos; Žodyninis straipsnis; Žodžių daryba; Comprehensive dictionaries; Derivational meaning; Derivational suffixes; Diminutives; Explanatory dictionaries of the Lithuanian language; Lexicographical entries; Lexicography; Substantival diminutives; Word formation; Word-formation formants.

ENThe plurality of diminutives and the variety of their derivational suffixes are a characteristic feature of the Lithuanian language (and its dialects as well). The paper deals with the presentation of substantival diminutives in Lithuanian comprehensive dictionaries: "Lietuvių kalbos žodynas" (Tiio Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language) (LKŽ) and "Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodynas" (Modern Lithuanian Dictionary) (DŽ) and in dictionaries of some Lithuanian dialects printed in 1976-2011. The paper shows the following: 1) only diminutives having a lexicalized meaning are presented by separate lexicographical entries in LKŽ; their derivational meaning is not revealed; diminutives are used as illustration of basic words (their corresponding meanings); the accentual paradigm remains undisclosed for users of the Dictionary; 2) DŽ shows, in the cases of presenting a diminutive, not only a lexicalized but also a derivational meaning, though the majority of diminutives are "hidden" in the entries of corresponding basic words; 3) some dictionaries of Lithuanian dialects follow the LKŽ's way of presenting diminutives; some of them present diminutives in a more progressive way: diminutives are printed in bold in the entry of the corresponding basic word; their accentual paradigms are given. "Dieveniškių šnektos žodynas" (The Dictionary of the Dieveniškės Dialect) and "Kretingos tarmės žodynas" (The Dictionary of the Kretinga Dialect) are most progressive in the aspect of presenting diminutives: they are not only marked out (by printing in bold) in the entry of basic words but they are also given the status of separate lexicographical entries with a reference to the entries of the basic words. [From the publication]

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