Lietuviški XIX amžiaus verstiniai žodynai – regioninės lenkų kalbos tyrimų šaltiniai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuviški XIX amžiaus verstiniai žodynai – regioninės lenkų kalbos tyrimų šaltiniai
Alternative Title:
Nineteenth-century translation dictionaries from Lithuania as study sources on the regional Polish language
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Bilingvizmas; Kultūrinė interferencija; Regioninė lenkų kalba; Verstiniai lietuvių-lenkų kalbų žodynai; Verstiniai žodynai; Bilingualism; Cultural interference; Lithuanian-Polish translation dictionaries; Regional Polish language; Translation dictionaries.

ENThe wave of interest in folklore and Lithuanian language that began in the 19th century resulted in writing many translation dictionaries, in which Polish was the primary language or it was used for the translation of Lithuanian entries. Subsequent fate of these dictionaries, compiled by the bilingual authors, natives of the Lithuanian petty nobility (Polish: drobna szlachta), proved to be extremely complex, and many were lost once and for all. Lithuanists have been lively interested in preserved manuscripts, treating them as an interesting source for researching Lithuanian language in the 19th century The scientific interest of Polonists in this important legacy has developed later.In the last decade, there were published the translatory dictionaries, that can be treated as original materials: the Samogitian-Polish Dictionary (attached to the anonymous grammar from years 1820-1830); the Polish- Lithuanian, three-volume dictionary by Szymon Dowkont (Lithuanian: Simonas Daukantas), carefully edited by Giedrius Subačius; and the master critical three-volume edition of Polish-Lithuanian Dictionary by Wawrzyniec Iwiński (Lithuanian: Laurynas Ivinskis), prepared by Ona Kažukauskaitė and Rita Šepetytė in 2010. These sources have given an open access to valuable resources for the Polish language historians, documenting nineteenth century Polish of bilingual and bicultural writers from ethnic Lithuania. While the authors of Polish-Lithuanian translation dictionaries often borrowed the entries from other dictionaries, particularly Samuel Bogumił Linde Dictionary or so-called Vilnius Dictionary, nevertheless they brought to their works many regional characteristics, ranging from the graph, and ending with the lexis. Highly expected would be the in-depth examination of the Polish material in the contexts given in the translation dictionary by Dionizy Paszkiewicz (Lithuanian: Dionizas Poška) and in the rich lexicographical legacy of Antoni Juszkiewicz (Lithuanian: Antanas Juška). The latter author perceived reality in a way that is close to ordinary human experience. Probably the manuscript of the first edition of Lithuanian-Polish dictionary by Father Juszkiewicz was known to Jan Karłowicz. [From the publication]

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