Jurgio Ambraziejaus Pabrėžos "Taislius augyminis" - kirčiuotas (?) "Lietuvių kalbos žodyno" šaltinis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Jurgio Ambraziejaus Pabrėžos "Taislius augyminis" - kirčiuotas (?) "Lietuvių kalbos žodyno" šaltinis
Alternative Title:
"Taislius augyminis" by Jurgis Ambraziejus Pabrėža - an accented (?) source of the Dictionary of the Lithuanian language
Jurgis Ambraziejus Pabrėža; Fonetika. Fonologija / Phonology; Kirčiavimas. Tartis. Akcentologija / Accent. Accentology; Leksika. Kalbos žodynas / Lexicon; Rašyba. Skyryba. Ortografija / Spelling. Punctation. Orthography; Terminija / Terminology.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Botanika; Dvigubos balsės; Fonetinė rašyba; Jurgis Ambraziejus Pabrėža; Kirtis; Kirčiavimas; Kirčiuotas šaltinis; Lietuvių kalbos žodynas; Rašyba; Terminas; Accent; Accentuation; An accented source; Botany; Dictionary of the Lithuanian language; Doubled letter; Jurgis Ambraziejus Pabrėža; Orthography; Phonetic notation; Term; The dictionary of the Lithuanian language.

ENJ. A. Pabrėža, a famous Samogitian priest and botanist of the 19th century, used two systems of notation in his works - simple in his sermons and much more complex in his botanical works. Trying to express the prosody of the words, he used doubled (or even tripled) letters (aa, ее, ii, óóu, iee, etc.). Yet in 1972 Jonikaitė wrote that doubled letters in the text of "Taislius augyminis" (The System of Plants) mean a stressed syllable of the word, in which they are used. A comparison of accentuation of the adjectives with suffixes -ingas, -etas, -uotas, -otas and -inis ptesentcd in "Lietuvių kalbos žodynas" (The Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language) and the notation of the corresponding items used in Taislius augyminis in the paper shows that the latter should be treated as an accented source of Lietuvių lialbos žodynas. Different-notation smyyltings 'sandy' and daugiings 'numerous' is a confirmation of such a suggestion. [From the publication]

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2018-01-24 15:05:08
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