Daujėnų šnektos leksika "Lietuvių kalbos žodyne" ir jo kartotekoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Daujėnų šnektos leksika "Lietuvių kalbos žodyne" ir jo kartotekoje
Alternative Title:
Lexicon of the Daujėnai dialect in the Dictionary of the Lithuanian language and its card index
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Daujėnų šnektos leksika; Dialektologija; Leksikografija; Lietuvių kalbos žodynas; Lingvistinė geografija; Semantika; Tarminė leksika; Tarmės; Žodžių paplitimas; Dialect; Dialectal vocabulary; Dialectology; Dictionary of the Lithuanian language; Lexicography; Lexicon of the Daujėnai dialect; Linguistic geography; Prevalence of words; Semantics.

ENThe paper analyses the specific lexicon of the Daujėnai dialect recorded in the Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language and its Complement Card Index: the author studies the semantics and prevalence of the words, i.e. her aim is to determine which words are used in the narrow territory of the dialect and which are more widely spread. The analysis of the lexicon characteristic of the Daujėnai dialect from the point of prevalence suggests that there are a lot of words recorded in the dialect which are used in the Eastern Aukstaitian dialect exclusively. It is noticed that a big part of the lexicon of the Daujėnai dialect is also well known in the Samogitian dialect. Only a small amount of common words is shared with the Southern Aukstaitian and the Western Aukstaitian subdialect of Kaunas. Some words recorded in the Daujėnai dialect in recent years are only testified in the Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language by the data from various writings. Thus, even the analysis of the lexicon of a single dialect allows us to specify the geography of a lot of words. [From the publication]

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2018-01-24 14:56:20
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