Konstantino Sirvydo "Dictionarium trium linguarum" leksikos skoliniai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Konstantino Sirvydo "Dictionarium trium linguarum" leksikos skoliniai
Alternative Title:
Lexical borrowings in Konstantinas Sirvydas’ "Dictionarium trium linguarum"
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Konstantinas Sirvydas; Vokiečių-lietuvių kalbų žodynai; Leksikografiniai šaltiniai; Prūsų Lietuvos leksikografijos šaltiniai; Rytprūsių žodynai; Sirvydo žodynas; German-Lithuanian dictionaries; Dictionary of Konstantinas Sirvydas; Eastern Prussia's dictionaries; Lexicographic sources of Prussian Lithuania; Lexikographic sources.

ENKonstantinas Sirvydas’ Dictionarium trium linguarum, the first dictionary of Lithuanian, has about 12.5% of borrowings and hybrid words; in the total number of borrowings, there are about 70% of Slavic origin, about 21% of Latin and Greek origin, about 9% of Germanic origin. Tire above data come from Kazys Pakalka’s work. However, neither his dissertation nor the index of Lithuanian words in the Dictionary refers to base words from which those words were derived. Etymological works are based on different approaches to borrowings. It has long been held that most words of Latin, Greek and Germanic origin came into Lithuanian through Polish. However, recent investigation has shown that borrowings from Byelorussian are more numerous than those from Polish. Some words of Germanic origin are direct borrowings, whereas Latin words could have come into Lithuanian directly from Latin writings. The paper offers more precise details about the origin of the borrowings found in K. Sirvydas’ Dictionary. Some of them are only found in dictionaries, other written works, for example, arfa, jacintas, kleinotas, balbierius, sasas, strusas. They have not been testified in spoken language. The equivalents of some borrowings are found in Latvian (e.g. bikierelis, brantai, ola, starkus, latas), also in Polish and Byelorussian (e.g. ota, skrynė, pasternokas, kleinotas, balbierius, ortas, grašis, šniūras, Sinkius).The Dictionary has borrowings of Germanic origin which might have come into Lithuanian through Slavic languages. Most borrowings of Germanic origin are derived from the Low German as well as from the language used for correspondence and communication in the Hanseatic League, i.e. a commercial confederation of 13th-17th century, between Northern Germanic, Prussian, Livonian and other towns. Their equivalents are spread in many languages of Europe. The borrowings found in K. Sirvydas’ Dictionary are from different fields: botany (e. g. palma, cedras, narcisus, nardas, yzapas, koriandras, cinamomas, jacintas, pasternokas), animals (e. g. elefantas, grifas, starkus, strusas), money and coins (e. g. ortas (artas), šelinga, grašis, taliorius), units of measurement (e. g. latas, loštas, margas, stuopka), building and construction (e. g. lota, skindelius, mūras, rūra, klingė, stadala, Sinkius), church (e. g. lampa, bikierelis), household tools and utensils (e. g. pleška, dišlius, šniūras), they refer to persons (e. g. kunigas, sasas, budelis, balbierius, raitas, raitinykas, styrnykas, Sinkius), diseases (brantas), etc. [From the publication]

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