Kristijono Milkaus žodynas ir Konstantino Sirvydo "Dictionarium trium linguarum"

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kristijono Milkaus žodynas ir Konstantino Sirvydo "Dictionarium trium linguarum"
Alternative Title:
Christian Mielcke’s dictionary and Konstantinas Sirvydas’ "Dictionarium trium linguarum"
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Senieji raštai; Konstantinas Sirvydas; Kristijonas Milkus; Vokiečių-lietuvių kalbų žodynai; Leksikografiniai šaltiniai; Prūsų Lietuvos leksikografijos šaltiniai; Rytprūsių žodynai; Sirvydo žodynas; Milkaus žodynas; Konstantinas Sirvydas; Christian Mielcke; Old writings; German-Lithuanian dictionaries; Dictionary of Konstantinas Sirvydas; Dictionary of Christian Mielcke; Eastern Prussia's dictionaries; Lexicographic sources of Prussian Lithuania; Lexikographic sources.

ENThe relationship between Konstantinas Sirvydas’ Dictionarium trium linguarum (SD) and Christian Mielcke’s dictionary (MD) published in 1800 has hardly been investigated. So far there have been two opinions expressed. Kazys Pakalka adheres to the opinion that all words found in Pilypas Ruigys dictionary (RD, published in 1747) were transferred to Ch. Mielcke’s Dictionary. However, Algis Rubinas is of the view that Ch. Mielcke made direct reference to SD. A. Rubinas’ examples, which could have supported this hypothesis, turned out to be inconsistent and unreliable. Therefore, we can only admit that Ch. Mielcke made indirect reference to SD. Almost all words in SD, which had previously been found in RD, were also found in MD. The SD lexicon in both parts of MD (Lithuanian-German and German-Lithuanian) are rather unevenly distributed: one part includes some words which are not found in the other. It thus brings us to a hypothesis that the SD words were transferred not only from RD, which is the main source, but also from the dictionary by Jacob Brodowski; more specifically, from its Lithuanian-German part, which has not survived. Ch. Mielcke found some of SD words rather suspicious; therefore, there are some notes on their usage attached to them. The author of the present paper points out that MD includes new SD coinages (derivatives and compounds) and usage examples, which came from SD via RD and MD. It would be logical to conclude that SD was an additional source for synonyms and word combinations, which help disclose lexical combinatory potential of the words. [From the publication]

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