Mokytojas, poetas, šaulys Petras Mockevičius (1895-1922)

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokytojas, poetas, šaulys Petras Mockevičius (1895-1922)
Alternative Title:
Petras Mockevičius - a teacher and a poet (1895-1922)
In the Journal:
Terra Jatwezenorum [Jotvingių kraštas: jotvingių krašto istorijos paveldo metraštis]. 2011, 3, p. 262-271, 476-477, 497-498
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Biografija; ELTA; Kovos; Lietuvos nepriklausomybė; Lietuvos šaulių sąjunga; Mokytojas; Nepriklausomybės kovos; Petras Mockevičius; Poetas; Seinai; Seinų apskritis; Veikla; Šaulių sąjunga; Activity; Biography; Fighting; Lithuania's independence; Lithuanian Riflemen Union; Lithuanian Wars of Independence; Lithuanian news agency; Petras Mockevičius; Poet; Riflemen's union; Seinai; Seinai County; Teacher.

ENPetras Mockevičius was bom in Vidugiriai (the Punskas district, the Seinai County) on October 19, 1895. He attended primary school in Punskas and secondary school in Seinai. He worked in the field of education and culture. He secretly taught children to write and read in Vidugiriai. He organized a new school in Lumbiai. Mockevičius was interested in literature and wrote poems himself. He was involved in the defence and culture matters of the country. He joined Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union in 1919 and together with Antanas Pečiulis organized its branch in the Seinai County. He was persecuted for his convictions and actions. Mockevičius worked for ELTA (Lithuanian news agency) and ‘Kariškių žodis’ (‘The Word of Military Man’) and was a correspondent in the Seinai County and front-line area. He was killed by Polish partisans in Sventijansk (Neutral Zone) on July 14, 1922. In 1931 Mockevičius was rewarded with Riflemen’s Star. In 1938 his name was placed on the Crypt to those Perished for the Independence of Lithuania in the War Museum. In 2009 his grave was placed in the Registrer of Cultural Properties of the Republic of Lithuania. [From the publication]

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  • Dainava : Seinų kraštas : istorija, kultūra, žmonės / Bronius Kašelionis. Vilnius : [Dizaino studija "DABA"], 2002. 297 p.
  • Už nuopelnus Lietuvai / sudarytojas Vilius Kavaliauskas. Vilnius : Vaga, 2001-2003. 2 t. (505, 711 p.).
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