III Statut Litewski w dobie porozbiorowej - stan badań nad dziedzictwem prawa litewskiego

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lenkų kalba / Polish
III Statut Litewski w dobie porozbiorowej - stan badań nad dziedzictwem prawa litewskiego
Alternative Title:
Third Statute of Lithuania in the post-partition period - the state of research into the legacy of the Lithuanian law
In the Book:
Stan badań nad wielokulturowym dziedzictwem dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. T. 2 / red. nauk. Wojciech Walczak i Karol Łopatecki. Białystok: IBnDKE Instytut Badań nad Dziedzictwem Kulturowym Europy, 2010. P. 473-499
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Istoriniai tyrimai; Lietuva, trečiais Statutas, laikotarpis po padalinimo; Lietuvos teisė; Trečiasis Lietuvos Statutas, 1588; 18 amžius; 19 amžius; Historical Researches; Lithuania, Third Statute, post-partition periode; Lithuanian Law; The Third Lithuanian Statute; XVIII-XIX c.

ENThe Third Statute of Lithuania of 1588 was a very long-lasting codification - with small changes it survived until the Partitions of the Republic, and after its fall it remained valid in the lands linked to the Russian Empire until 1840 (in the Byelorussian lands it was repealed somewhat earlier - in 1831). In Polish historical and legal literature, there has to this date been no research into the functioningof the Lithuanian code in the new and completely different conditions created by the fall of the state at the end of the 18t h century. The process by which the Statute was slowly "eroded" and its norms displaced by Russian law has not been explained. This state of affairs seems surprising if we consider that the Third Statute of Lithuania is rightly considered to be a very successful codification, and played a fundamental role in the shaping of legal relationships not only in the remote areas of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania but also in the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland for over two hundred years. The Statute also interacted in a crucial way on Russian law even in the 17th century, thus crossing the border of the Republic. Yet the state of knowledge about this final period of the Lithuanian codification's validity is extraordinarily weak. This is certainly due in part to the "backlog" in Polish research caused by researchers' long-maintained (from the second half of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century) reserve in relation to post-Partition history in general, and is also the consequence of long-term weakness in the study of Lithuanian history. [...]. [From the publication]

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