Santuokos ir šeimos samprata bei socialinė reikšmė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Santuokos ir šeimos samprata bei socialinė reikšmė
Alternative Title:
Family and marriage conception and social meaning
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠeima, kaip bendruomenė, atlieka funkcijas, apimančias visas gyvenimo sritis, ko negali jokia kita visuomenės struktūra. Šeima yra svarbiausia emocinio ir materialinio rėmimo institucija (struktūra), jos narių augimo ir gerovės garantas. Ji yra pagrindinis gamybos ir vartojimo socialinis vienetas, todėl jos vieta ekonominių procesų centre. Formaliai civilinė santuoka atsirado Romos imperijoje, tačiau tai buvo religinės santvarkos sukurta santuoka. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bažnytinė santuoka; Civilinė; Santuoka; Santuokos sudarymas; Šeima; Šeima, santuoka, bažnyčia, valstybė; Church; Family; Family, marriage, Church, State; Marriage; Marriage institution; State.

ENWith regard to societal relationships, the family plays a very important role. It is a fundamental relationship which carries out functions of critical importance. These functions include the following: providing childbirth and education of the young generation, and the provision of mutual material and moral support. Attitude to the marriage institution in the Republic of Lithuania is mainly a social phenomena and has currently undergone significant transformation considering continuously changing social environment (living conditions, individual needs and abilities). The Church, however, maintains its traditional view of the marriage institution, based on philosophical and theological generalizations. Marriage is one of the main subjects of consideration to the Church and to the State too, it is a major institution of civil law. According to Canon law, marriage is a life-long obligation. However, state laws qualify marriage as an agreement without a term. Marriage is one of the main subjects of consideration to the Church and to the State too, it is a major institution of civil law. According to Canon law, marriage is a life-long obligation. However, state laws qualify marriage as an agreement without a term. [From the publication]

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Lietuvos teisės istorija / Vytautas Andriulis, Mindaugas Maksimaitis, Vytautas Pakalniškis, Justinas Sigitas Pečkaitis, Antanas Šenavičius. Vilnius : Justitia, 2002. 541 p., [1] žml. lap.
2021-01-18 13:59:30
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