LTNagrinėjama istorinė atmintis ir jos įtvirtinimas skleidžiant dvasinį pavelde skirtingų kultūrų visuomenėje. Vertinami asmenybės ir aplinkos dvasingumo ryšiai, istorinių aplinkybių nulemtos dvasingumo sklaidos galimybės, dvasinio paveldo ir krikščioniškų vertybių vaidmuo stiprinant visuomenės dvasingumų bei suartinant įvairių tautų ir kultūrų žmones. Tai atskleidžiama analizuojant sovietiniu laikotarpiu Vladimire kalinto ir ten mirusio arkivyskupo M. Reinio gyvenimų ir veiklų. Kultūrų sankirtoje išgrynintas jo dvasinis paveldas vertinamas kaip pavyzdys savimonės plėtrai, kaip svarbus tautos moralinio atgimimo veiksnys ir neįkainojamas indėlis praturtinant jos dvasinį paveldu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dvasingumas; Dvasinis paveldas; Dvasiškumas; Istorinė atmintis; Vladimiro centralas; Historical Memory; Spiritual Heritage; Spirituality; Vladimir Central.
ENThe article investigates historical memory, its consolidation through Archbishop M. Reinys' person in the society of different cultures by propagating his spiritual heritage. It reveals the spiritual relations between the individual and the cultural environment, the historically determined conditions for the proclamation of spirituality, the role of the spiritual heritage and Christian values in bringing together people of different nations and cultures and raising the spiritual level of the society. The hardships, which Archbishop M. Reinys suffered in the Vladimir central (a strict regime prison) for nearly seven years (1948-1953), the efforts and cooperation rendered by the local people to perpetuate the memory of the Servant of God, more than a half century later, exalt the spirituality of M. Reinys' personality and the sublimity of spiritual heritage which, having sometime touched his environment, still continues living today. Lithuania's concern about its martyrs brings out the oblivion of other prisoners of the Vladimir central. The refined spiritual heritage of Archbishop M. Reinys is viewed as an example to follow in cultivating self-consciousness as a weighty factor of the national moral revival and as a priceless contribution to spirituality. The specification of the efforts to perpetuate the memory of Lithuania's Servant of God, their results and essence within the frames of Christian culture show that the spiritual heritage of the martyrs of the Vladimir prison helps to reveal the message of Christian values.Vladimir-upon-Klyazma (The Servant of God Archbishop M. Reinys was for the first time included among the other victims of political repressions at the celebration of the Day of Commemorating the Victims of Political Repressions in Russia, held on 30th October, 2010), turns into one of the centers of the Russian Federation advocating and perpetuating Archbishop M. Reinys' memory and propagating his spiritual heritage: in Vladimir a portrait of M. Reinys was placed in the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Queen of Rosary and the museum of the cemetery of the Knyaz Vladimir central memorial; a mobile stand was made in the church; research conferences were organized in the church and the museum. The ideas raised by M. Reinys, his manner of behaving in the environment of persecution and imprisonment, his Christian attitude towards the co-prisoners and the persecutors can serve as a model in creating a spiritual space in society and the reality of nurturing. The analysis of Archbishop M. Reinys' spiritual heritage and historical memory at the crossroads of cultures points to the fact that in modern society the heritage of this illustrious personality consists not only in its historical importance, but also in the steadily increasing regional importance aiming at the unification of nations and people with different traditions in the face of globalization processes affecting the fundamentals of Christian culture. [From the publication]