Asmenybės sklaida piligriminiame žygyje Kryžių kalnas – Šiluva

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Asmenybės sklaida piligriminiame žygyje Kryžių kalnas – Šiluva
Alternative Title:
Development of personality spread in pilgrim journey from the Hill of Crosses to Šiluva
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTNagrinėjami piligriminio žygio dalyvių kelionės motyvai, lyderio vaidmuo, keliaujančiųjų santykiai ir jų kaita neformalaus bendravimo aplinkoje. Tirta piligriminio žygio Kryžių kalnas – Šiluva reikšmė jo dalyvių dvasinei brandai. Apklausa parodė, kad šis žygis yra šiuolaikiškos kultūros reiškinys, kad jis pamažu darosi vis populiaresnis, ypač tarp jaunimo, ir kad yra aktualus kaip ugdymo dvasingumo forma, o dalyvavimas jame – kaip asmenybės sklaidos būdas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Asmenybės sklaida; Lyderis; Piligrimystė; Piligrimystė, asmenybės sklaida, lyderis, dvasingumo ugdymo forma; Ugdymo dvasingumo forma; Education; Form of the spirituality of; Leader; Personality diffusion; Personality spread; Pilgrimage; Spiritual form of education.

ENIn Lithuania, one can observe manifestations of spiritual crisis: moral relativism is spreading and Christian valuables are lost or not found at all. Consumer society lacks time to contemplate on the meaning of life and existential issues, alienation spreads among people. 'Ihe hypothesis of our research is a pilgrim journey as a school of non-formal spiritual education. The object of the research is the spread of personality in a pilgrim journey. The goal is to state and assess the phenomena of personality spread in the pilgrim journey from the "Hill of Crosses - Šiluva". Ihe pilgrim journey "Hill of Crosses - Šiluva" is organised yearly from 2003. The journey of 70 km on foot lasts for three days. Ihe organiser and leader of the journey is H. Hartulis, Uishop of Šiauliai. 'Ihe aim of the article includes the interpretation of the development of spiritual valuables pilgrimage participants. 'Ihe subject of the research is the spiritual valuables and experience, which the participants of the pilgrim journey acquire during the trip. The persons under the investigation are people, who participated in the journey of 2009. A survey of 414 persons by a questionnaire and a logical analysis of the obtained subjective data were conducted, the phenomenon of pilgrimage was analyzed from the point of view of the internalization of valuables and the conclusions were drawn. The majority of participants - respondents in the pilgrim journey "Hill of Crosses - Šiluva" were young people, to whom the assessment of comrades, the spiritual and moral authority of the leader as well as his non-verbal moral "speech" were of great significance. The religiously emotional and cognitive environment upheld during the journey determined the prevailing fair behaviour typical of pilgrims.The fact that the pilgrim journey changed valuables was confirmed by 82,8 percent of respondents. Such underlying valuables as family, God, religion, health, and friends were fostered. Religious meditation, deepening of belief, practice of love for a neighbour and the development of stamina dominated as major experiences of the journey. Christian authors state that moral education and religious motivation, as expressions of Christian identity, can change interpersonal and social relationships in a positive way. Pilgrim journeys form the expression of collective identity, which is manifested in the fostering of particular valuables and tendency to overcome personal crises. Thus, the pilgrim journey "Hill of Crosses - Šiluva" is the school of non-formal spiritual education. [From the publication]

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2018-08-25 21:03:41
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