LTMonografijoje, remiantis įgyvendinto tyrimo patirtimi, išryškinamas veiklos tyrimo dalyvaujant (toliau – VTD) įgyvendinimo socialinių paslaugų organizacijose savitumas, metodologiniai privalumai ir apribojimai kitų socialinių mokslų tyrimų kontekste. Monografijoje VTD analizuojamas kaip metodologinė prieiga, kuri įtraukia dalyvius ir tyrėjus į bendradarbiaujantį žinių kūrimo procesą ir veda prie naujų reikšmių konstravimo reflektuojant veiklas. VTD taikymo laukas yra gan platus – jis taikomas bendruomenėse, įvairiose verslo, švietimo, sveikatos ir medicinos, socialinio darbo organizacijose, siekiant padidinti žmonių įsitraukimą, įgalinimą, tobulinant bendruomenes ir organizacijas. Aktualizuojant VTD metodologijos taikymo organizacijų tyrimuose savitumą, aptariama VTD samprata, metodologijos inovatyvumas, įgalinantis organizacijas keistis pobūdis, metodologiniai niuansai, subtilybės bei kritika. Monografijoje apžvelgiami VTD modeliai, procesas, stadijos. Remiantis įgyvendinto VTD socialinių paslaugų įstaigose patirtimi, pristatoma tyrimo logika, jo etapai, išryškinant judėjimo nuo veiksmo prie refleksijos būtinybę, tyrimo dalyvių įgalinimo prisiimti atsakomybę už pokyčius organizacijose bei bendradarbiaujančių ir pasitikėjimu grįstų santykių kūrimą tarp tyrėjų ir tyrimo dalyvių. Monografijoje pristatytas tyrimas aktualizuoja psichosocialinį organizacijų funkcionavimą ir pasirengimą pokyčiams, tyrimo rezultatai ir įžvalgos sudaro prielaidas tolesniam organizacijų efektyvumui gerinti. Monografija pristato VTD atvejį, kai buvo tiriamos socialines paslaugas senyvo amžiaus žmonėms teikiančios įstaigos. [...]. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Globa; Senyvi (pagyvenę) žmonės; Socialinės paslaugos; Organizacija; Pokyčiai; Organizacijos kultūra; Psichologiniai veiksniai; Psichosocialiniai veiksniai; Gare; Elderly people; Social services; Organization; Changes; Organizational culture; Psychological factors; Psychosocial factors.
ENThe aim of the study presented in the monograph is to reveal peculiarities, methodological strengths and limitations of participatory action research (PAR) in social service organizations. PAR is analysed as a methodological approach which involves scholars and research participants into a process of reflection, knowledge production and construction of new meanings. PAR application area is quite broad – this strategy is applied in communities, business, education, health and welfare organizations in order to increase involvement of citizens as well as their empowerment in communities and organizations. While highlighting originality and singularity of PAR in organizations, authors of the study discuss notions, definitions and distinctive features of PAR. The scholars distinguish novelty, empowering nature, methodological nuances and criticism toward PAR. The monograph presents models, the process, and stages of PAR. Based on PAR implementation in social service organizations, a need for movement from action to reflection and empowerment of research participants to take the responsibility of the changes in organizations is emphasized. The research sheds a light on psychosocial functioning of organizations as well as their readiness for change. Results and insights drawn by the research create preconditions to increase efficiency and effectiveness of organizations.The investigation presented in the monograph was implemented in social service organizations which provide services for the elderly. Lithuanian population is aging, therefore agencies which provide elderly care should be able to respond to changes in the market and satisfy clients` needs. This is relevant for profit organizations and business enterprises which become more active in the social service sector offering their activities for older people. This study presents the situation of older people in European Union and Lithuania. An overview of theoretical resources is carried out by revealing factors of organizational effectiveness and readiness for changes, concepts and typologies of organizational cultures, elements which are related to psychosocial functioning of organizations: job satisfaction, management, conflicts and their solutions, teamwork and stress at work. Recognition which embraces processes on micro, mezzo and macro levels is another concept that is discussed and analysed in the study. The research presented in the monograph included several stages. In the first stage of the research, a qualitative interpretative study was carried out by interviewing representatives of focus group. The researchers disclosed practical experiences, ideas, achievements, challenges and concerns, questions and tensions that arose in the organizations. 4 institutions participated in the research in this stage – 2 public organizations of home care and 2 private organizations of institutional long-term care. [...].