LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Daugiakultūriškumas; Epistografija; Epistologografija, Baltarusija, estetiniai vaizdai, modernizmas, daugiakultūriškumas; Estetinės pažiūros; Modernizmas; Aesthetic views; Epistography; Epistolography, Belarus, Aesthetic Views, Modernism, Multiculturalism; Modernism; Multiculturalism; Baltarusija (Belarus).
ENThe author outlines the history - of the relationship between Zofia Trzeszczkowska (1847-1911) and Zenon Przesmycki (Miriam) (1861-1944). The essay includes Zofia Trzeszczkowska's brief biography and an account of her literary interests. The author edited for printing and annotated a letter from Trzeszczkowska to Przesmycki, revealing the cultural background and literary views of both correspondents, coming from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Trzeszczkowska) and the Crown (Miriam). [From the publication]