LTModerniai ugdymo aplinkai kurti ir tobulinti nemažai dėmesio skiriama įgyvendinat šalies švietimo reformą ir mokyklų plėtrą. Tačiau tiek edukologijos literatūroje, tiek pedagoginėje praktikoje pasigendama sistemingesnių vertinimų, susijusių su modernios ugdymo aplinkos tikslais, struktūra, vertinimo kriterijais, tobulinimo principais ir nuostatomis. Straipsnyje analizuojamas požiūris į ugdymo aplinkos kūrimą ir tobulinimą ergonominėmis priemonėmis. Pateikiami vykdyto mokinių darbo vietų komponavimo kabinete eksperimento rezultatai, jų analizė ir siūlymai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Moderni ugdymo aplinka; Ergonominiai parametrai; Ergonomics seeks; Environment.
ENEnvironment has to be taken care in such a way that it would be a source of human health and well-being (European Center of Environment, 1989). National reform of education and development of learning pays a considerable amount of attention to the building of modern environment and its improvement. However, in education literature and in pedagogical practice there is a lack of systematic review of the goals of the modern environment of education, structure and reference criteria, principles and conceptual reference for growth. There exist no standards for the creation and improvement of the school environment. Every institution develops its environment as it considers appropriate, depending on the conditions and opportunities. Often in this process the scientific principles, particularly ergonomic principles are neglected. Therefore it is important to follow the principles of healthy learning environment (Kučinskas, 2003), i.e.: - Designing of modern epistemic environment; - Social-psychological environment, oriented to positive experience and creativity; - Scientifically grounded schedule of work regime and recreation; - Management of stress, tiredness and monotony in learning; - Systemic accumulation of ergonomic information and expertise. The article analyses the approach to the design and development of the learning environment with the help of ergonomic means. It presents and analyses results of the experiment of the learners‘ workspace design. [From the publication]