LTVisuomenės senėjimas ir didėjantis darbo jėgos trūkumas reikalauja ieškoti būdų, kaip padėti suaugusiesiems ilgiau išlikti veikliems darbo rinkoje. Dabartiniame globalėjančiame pasaulyje bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo poreikis yra išaugęs kaip niekad anksčiau, todėl gimtosios ir užsienio kalbos kompetencijos ir jų tobulinimas yra būtina sąlyga dirbantiems ir norintiems įsitvirtinti darbo rinkoje asmenims. Lietuvos mokslo tarybos visuotinės dotacijos projekto „Suaugusiųjų bendrųjų kompetencijų tobulinimo tyrimų ir plėtros platforma“ NR. VP1-3.1‑ŠMM-07-K-03-073 tikslas yra ištirti bendrųjų kompetencijų poreikį ir plėtojimo prielaidas šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje. Straipsnyje pristatomi bendravimo gimtąja ir užsienio kalba kompetencijų mokslinės literatūros, nacionalinių ir tarptautinių dokumentų analizė ir žvalgomojo tyrimo rezultatai, kurie atskleidžia edukologines, ekonomines, socialines, politines ir kultūrines bendravimo gimtąja ir užsienio kalbomis kompetencijų plėtojimo prielaidas, problemas ir galimybes. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendravimas gimtąja kalba; Bendravimas užsienio kalbomis; Bendrosios kompetencijos; Bendrosios kompetencijos, bendravimas gimtąja kalba, bendravimas užsienio kalbomis; Communication in foreign languages; Communication in the mother tongue; General competence; General competences, communication in native tongue, communication in foreign languages.
ENAgeing population and increasing shortage of labour requires searching for ways to help adults stay longer in the labour market. In today‘s globalized world the need for communication and co-operation has increased more than ever before, so the competences of communication in native tongue and foreign languages and their development is a prerequisite for those who wish to enter the labour market. The paper presents the pilot study results on generic competences (communication in the mother tongue and communication in foreign languages) conducted in 2013. The findings reveal the respondents’ attitudes towards generic competences, the main challenges and opportunities they offer. The survey sample was composed of 200 participants who represented four main groups: 1) employed; 2) having their own business; 3) unemployed; 4) seniors. The majority of the research sample rank generic competences as very important or important in four dimensions: professional activity (very important - 53, 4%, important - 41,7%); professional career (very important - 59,3%; important - 29,6%); participation in social, cultural activities and citizenship (very important - 32,7%; important - 49,2%); personal development (very important - 70,4%; important - 24,6%).The most important factors contributing to the improvement of competences of communication in the mother tongue and foreign languages are related to self- realization, personal development and work area. The respondents‘ education does not influence their motivation to develop competences of communication in the mother tongue and foreign languages. Reliable statistical relationship between the respondents’ employment and their need to develop the competences was observed in the categories: the need at work (, 000, and 000, respectively, native and foreign languages.); helps find a job (,003 and ,000) helps make a career (,030 and ,000). The analysis of the relationship between age, education and employment, as well as factors that hinder develop native and foreign language competence a significant correlation was found between lack of time and the respondents’ age (,001 and ,000 respectively, the native language and the foreign language category) and the respondents’ employment (,000 and ,000). The main factors that hinder the development of competences in these fields are - lack of time and motivation. For the respondents‘ who were over 60 years old the age and health problems were discovered. [From the publication]