Kai kurios vakarų baltų karinės aristokratijos formavimosi problemos XIII a. pirmojoje pusėje Baltijos regiono christianizacijos kontekste

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kai kurios vakarų baltų karinės aristokratijos formavimosi problemos XIII a. pirmojoje pusėje Baltijos regiono christianizacijos kontekste
Alternative Title:
Some aristocracy formation problems of western Baltic tribes in the context of christianization in the first half of the 13th century
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Baltijos regionas; Christianizacija; Didikai ir magnatai; Karinė aristokratija; Kunigaikščiai; Kuršis; Lamekinas; Livonija (Livonia); Rygos vyskupas; Vakarų baltų karinė aristokratija; Viestartas; Vyskupas Adalbertas; Žemgalis; Baltic region; Bishop Adalbert; Chief Viestart; Chief lamekin; Christianization; Curonians; Dukes; Livonia; Military aristocracy; Nobility; Ryga's Bishop; Semigalians; The western Baltic military aristocracy.

ENThis article analyzes the issue of the western Baltic military aristocracy formation in the context of Christianization. It must be stated that, when the country was formed, social changes commenced, which led to the formation of a new type of society, particularly the elite, with the elements of the state-specific structures. At that time the qualitative processes that took place in pre- state period (in this historical period very little information is available) led to the establishment of a new state but not because of the recent alterations that had commenced, which were stimulated by the factor of existence by the state itself. The genesis of military elite remains the most essential problem here. The distinction of the elite into military, economic and religiuos basically does not reveal the most crucial aspect; where and how it should be spoken about social elite and on what basis political elite should be discussed. For instance, leitis, which belonged to the members of the political- military elite, could be indicated as being under domain of the Grand Duke. As it is often claimed, it also should be considered how did Western Baltic society look like, being on the eve of state formation. This article discuses and provides two examples, focusing on Semigalians chief Viestart and Curonians chief Lamekin, what kind of eve it was and how it was depicted. Because of these examples, it could be possible to trace what was the development of the aristocracy of the Western Baltic military like in the context of cristianization, when a new geopolitical factor (or force) emerged near Dvina shortly named as Livonia, headed by bishop Adalbert.The discussed context of the baptism project of Viestart and Lamenkino demonstrated that the first conquerors had the direct exposure to Semigalian and Curonian social elite, which sought to keep the disposable lands, while engaging (not necessarily voluntary) to the creation of political conquerors - state structures. Another fundamental nuance should be noted and considered in terms of the social but not the political existence of the mentioned elite. The remaining and limited land holding approval documents clearly shows that the social elite, in a certain sense, was interested in obtaining these approvals. Because of it, land management by dominium untile right, brought along from a ancient tribal society, was substituted by dominium directum law, which was perceived by conquerors as control law of feod. So, as a result of the changed subordination, nobility, which fell under the control of Riga because of the baptism, has not had any affairs with community institutions anymore (controlled meeting by the nobles). Instead of this it had the direct exposure to Ryga’s Bishop or (before merging with the Teutonic Order) with the Livonian Brothers of the Sword). This is particulary noticeable analysing the Pope’s legate Baldwin of Aulne concluded treaties with Curonian nobility, while comparing them with similar treaties in Prusia, in the island of Osel and in the Estonia. [From the publication]

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2017-01-30 11:19:24
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