Religijos įvaizdžių konstravimo principai sovietmečio Lietuvos meniniuose kino ir televizijos filmuose antireliginės propagandos kontekste: predispozijų aspektas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Religijos įvaizdžių konstravimo principai sovietmečio Lietuvos meniniuose kino ir televizijos filmuose antireliginės propagandos kontekste: predispozijų aspektas
Alternative Title:
Principles of the religious images’ construction in the cinema and television feature movies of Soviet Lithuania: the aspect of predispositions
In the Journal:
Informacijos mokslai. 2013, t. 66, p. 7-33
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Antireliginė propaganda; Kolektyvinės predispozicijos; Kultūra; Lietuvos kino studija; Meniniai kino filmai; Politika; Resimbolizacija; Sovietmečio Lietuvos kinas; Sovietmečio kinematografija; Antireligious propaganda; Collective predispositions; Culture; Feature movies; Irreligious propaganda; Lithuanian film studios; Politics; Resymbolization; Soviet cinematography; The Soviet Lithuanian cinema.

ENThe principles of religious images construction in the cinema and television feature antireligious movies of soviet Lithuania are analyzed in the article in the context of the antireligious indoctrination of the society. By analyzing two movies created in Lithuania in the 1970s–1980s – Pasigailėk mūsų (1978) and Devyni nuopuolio ratai (1984) – it is argued that the images of the religion (Catholicism), its symbols, Catholic priesthood, etc. have been based on a special development of a movie plot and the narrative of a story, on the special space of such story, and other means of artistic expression. The identification of such principles is matched with the theoretical aspects of the predispositions’ analysis. Such an analytical tool allows to discuss the “religious“ images by the antireligious soviet propaganda in respect to the resymbolization process. [From the publication]

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