LTMokslo studija „Teisė nebūti kankinamam ir nepatirti žiauraus, nežmoniško ar žeminančio elgesio ar nebūti taip baudžiamam: probleminiai kalinimo sąlygų užtikrinimo aspektai“ yra tyrimo „Žmogaus teisės Lietuvoje“ dalis. Mokslo studijoje identifikuojamos bei analizuojamos turinčios trūkumų ir todėl valstybės pirmiausia koreguotinos kalinimo sąlygų teisinio reguliavimo ir jų praktinio užtikrinimo sritys. Autoriaus išryškinti ir nagrinėjami kalinių teisės nebūti kankinamiems ir nepatirti žiauraus, nežmoniško ar žeminančio elgesio ar nebūti taip baudžiamiems užtikrinimo probleminiai aspektai – teisinio reguliavimo atitikties tarptautiniams standartams spragos nustatant kalinių fizines ir gyvenimo, maitinimosi ir higienos sąlygas; garantuojant kalinių saugumą; laisvės apribojimo įstaigose esančių pažeidžiamų asmenų apsaugą bei reagavimą į nusikalstamas veikas, discipliną ir baudimą šiose įstaigose. Studijos pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados bei rekomendacijos įstatymų leidėjui. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kaliniiai; Tarptautiniai dokumentai; Teisė nebūti kankinamam; Pažeidimai; 2008-2012 metai; Prisoners; International documents; Lithuania; The right not to be tortured; Infringements; Years 2008-2012.
ENIn the study the right to freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in the context of imprisonment is analysed. This right is a fundamental human right that is protected by international legal instruments and the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. This issue covers such basic human values as a personal integrity, dignity and protection. The examination of the right to freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment focuses on the most relevant issues – the existing situation in Lithuanian prisons and regulation of (non-) compliance with the international standards, which in turn is divided into 1) prisoners physical and housing conditions, 2) feeding and hygiene conditions 3) security of inmates, 4) protection of vulnerable persons, 5) responding to crimes, discipline and punishment. In the study, the following conclusions are drawn. The right to privacy in prisons is not guaranteed in the context of using hygiene sanitary facilities. Although the legal regulation is sufficient, there is not enough financing to guarantee the right to adequate food and clothing in Lithuanian prisons.From the context of international legal standards, the Lithuanian legal acts inadequately secure prisoners’ protection standards: there are no requirements for thorough selection process to determine whether individuals can live together in one chamber; there is no obligation for regular security checks. The legal regulation in Lithuania provides not appropriate inspection of a person's body: physical examination procedures should be (1) explicitly and in sufficient detail by law, and (2) to be carried out in accordance with the principle of proportionality. It is especially highlighted inadequate health care to prisoners with addictions (eg methadone program) compared to those services provided by the society. In order to improve the situation of vulnerable persons in prisons it is recommended to assign this function to the Ministry of Health. The punishment of prisoners (discipline) lack of legal regulation of the rights of the defense access: there does not exist an active duty for officers to provide information and explanations regarding disciplinary action performed. [From the publication]