LTMonografijos tema išties netikėta, bauginanti ir kelianti smalsumų, nes visada buvo gaubiama paslapties skraistės. Autoriai pasirinko menkai tyrinėtą sritį – mirties bausmės vykdymo ypatumus Lietuvoje 1918-1940 metais. Konkrečių politinių ir kriminalinių nusikaltimų aprašymai ir egzekucijų detalės atskleidžia tikrovišką to laikotarpio paveikslą. Darbas stebina išsamia šaltinių ir literatūros analize, teisinių ir politinių realijų išmanymu. Faktinė medžiaga tiksli, paremta istoriniais dokumentais ir gausiai iliustruota nuotraukomis.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos Respublika; Karo lauko teismas; Apygardos teismas; Atgrasymo priemonė; Mirties bausmė; Banditizmas; Antivalstybinė veikla; Vyriausias Lietuvos tribunolas; Atentatas; Republic of Lithuania; War field court; County cort; Revolting measures; Death penalty; Banditism; Anti-state activities; Highest Lithuanian Tribunal; Atentat.
ENThe death penalty is one of the oldest forms of sanctions against violent crimes. The study of the death penalty during Lithuania’s interwar years is problematic; it is fragmented, written without a full set of sources. Moreover, it lacks adequate external and internal criticisms of the sources and neglects the most problematic aspects of the subject. The main aim of this book is to examine changes of the practice of the death penalty in Lithuania in 1918-1940, analyzing only the death penalties that were carried out. In Lithuania, the death penalty was used throughout the Interwar period with brief exceptions until 15 June 1940. Two main methods of execution were used. In the first period, from 1918 to 1937, executions were carried out by hanging, but mostly by firing squads. While in the second period, from 1937 to 1940, gas chamber was employed instead. The first period could be further divided in into two stages: 1918-1920 when the means of execution were unstable and inconsistent, being carried out both by hanging and firing squad, 1921-1937 when firing squad was fully established. [...]. [From the publication]