Vilniečių kalbos vardažodžių kirčiavimas: sinchroninis Saussure’o ir Fortunatovo dėsnis

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vilniečių kalbos vardažodžių kirčiavimas: sinchroninis Saussure’o ir Fortunatovo dėsnis
Alternative Title:
Accentuation of nominal words in the Vilnius speech: de Saussure and Fortunatov’s synchronic law
In the Journal:
Taikomoji kalbotyra. 2014, 6, p. 1-32
Summary / Abstract:

LTVilniečių ir apskritai miestiečių šnekamajai kalbai tradiciškai priskiriamos kirčiavimo sistemos prastinimo tendencijos: silpstantis ryšys tarp kirčio vietos ir priešpaskutinio skiemens priegaidės, kirčio atitraukimas iš trumpos galūnės, vienabalsių priegaidžių nykimas. Straipsnyje tiriama, kaip vilniečių kalboje veikia sinchroninis Saussure’o ir Fortunatovo dėsnis, t. y. ar dažnai vardažodžių kirtis neatitraukiamas į atrakcines galūnes. Tyrimu siekiama nustatyti, ar vilniečių kirčiavimo polinkius lemia išoriniai (socialiniai) veiksniai – amžius, lytis, išsilavinimas, kokią įtaką miestiečių kirčiavimui daro rytų aukštaičių patarmė. Empirinė tyrimo medžiaga atrinkta iš vilniečių interviu bazės „Kalba Vilnius“ (; tyrimui naudota trisdešimt daugiausia antros ir trečios kartos 18–75 m. vilniečių interviu (iš viso išanalizuota apie 26 val. įrašų). [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendrinė kalba; F. Sosiūro ir F. Fortunatovo dėsnis; Sinchroninis Saussure'o ir Fortunatovo dėsnis; Sociolingvistinis kintamasis; Vardažodžių kirčiavimas; Vilniaus kalba; Vilniečių kalba; Accentuation of nominal words; De Saussure and Fortunatov's law; De Saussure and Fortunatov's synchronic law; Sociolinguistic variable; Standard language; Vilnius speech.

ENThe article presents the research on how Vilnians follow the main synchronic accentuation law of the Lithuanian language – de Saussure and Fortunatov’s (SF) synchronic law. The research aims at evaluation of whether the stress of nominal words is often not placed on attracting endings; whether accentuation tendencies of Vilnians are predetermined by external (social) factors – age, gender, education; what impact on the accentuation of townsmen is made by dialects. The empirical research material includes 30 direct interviews recorded from 18–75 year-old Vilnians (total number includes 26 hours of records). Sociolinguistic variables were coded via the language element analysis programme CLAN, statistical significance of the results was analysed through SPSS (ANOVA and t-tests). SF law was chosen as the axis of the research, which effect (accentuation of attractive endings) is to be linked with standard language accentuation system. Weakened SF law effect (the stress falls on stems preceding attractive endings) is to be linked with levelling of accents specific for eastern highlanders subdialects and accentuation system changes related with it: accentuation of column model, hypercorrection accentuation and accentuation variability. It was established that in view of accentuation the Vilnius speech is not homogenous. The divide separating most likely two individual phonological systems is between the older (over 50 years old) and two younger generations (18-29 years old and 30-49 years old). In the vertical of language variety, situated between dialect and standard language, older Vilnians language, formed and influenced mostly by eastern highlander’s subdialect, is closer to dialect, whilst middle and younger generation Vilnian’s speech is closer to standard language.In older generation of Vilnians speech 59 % of nominal words with attractive endings are accentuated in stems, whilst in two younger generations (Vilnians urbanolect) – vice versa: 58–63% attractive endings are accentuated by SF law. The research showed statistically significant influence of the age, gender, social status of the informants and activity developed by them on accentuation tendencies. More rare application of SF law is to be linked with the category of male gender, low social status and traditional activity (of industrial enterprises). More frequent application of SF law is to be linked with female gender, high social status and modern activity (of knowledge enterprises, service areas). [From the publication]

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