LTMonografija galėtų būti naudinga visiems, kuriuos domina aukštojo mokslo teorijos bei praktikos klausimai. Knygoje analizuojamos demokratijos ir aukštojo mokslo reiškinių principinės prielaidos, nušviečiamos institucinio aukštojo mokslo demokratiškumo raidos tendencijos, atskleidžiamas normatyvinis aukštojo mokslo demokratiškumo modelis, taikytinas praktikoje, konstruktyviai diskutuojant apie šį reiškinį arba siekiant tyrinėti, įvertinti bei tobulinti demokratiškumo sąlygas aukštojo mokslo sistemose bei institucijose.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Demokratija; Aukštasis mokslas; Demokratijos idėjos; Demokratijos vertybių sistema; Demokratiškumo istorinė raida; Democratic; Higher education; Idea of democratic; Value of democratic system; Historical development of democracy; Demokratija; Aukštasis mokslas; Demokratijos idėjos; Demokratijos vertybių sistema; Demokratiškumo istorinė raida; Democratic; Higher education; Idea of democratic; Value of democratic system; Historical development of democracy.
ENThe book has been written for academic community and particularly for those who are involved in research, scholarship and leadership devoted to higher education. The aim of the book is to focus on characteristics and features of democratic higher education by asking: what are they and what are they all about? However, the book tries not only to encourage an open debate on the problem but also to uncover a system of values that flow directly from the concept of democratic higher education and its institutionalized practices. The main method adopted here is that of philosophical analysis based on the integrated requirements that stem from positivistic and phenomenological reasoning. Therefore, conceptual and comparative analysis, historical analysis and metaanalysis of the insights exposed in the research literature are all methods that have also been employed for the development of systematic approach to democratic higher education that may be significant both theoretically and practically. [...]. [From the publication]